
I have just read Sanctuary from what was said about previous Conversations it appeared The Police Constable at Paddington knew Bunch or were they back at Chipping Cleghorn's nearest Train Station
I have just read Sanctuary from what was said about previous Conversations it appeared The Police Constable at Paddington knew Bunch or were they back at Chipping Cleghorn's nearest Train Station
You have found the tenth (and last) little soldier boy! This has been quite a game!
Perhaps the most poignant adaptation of And Then There Were None was an amateur production performed at the Buchenwald concentration camp during the Second World War. In an effort to keep up their spirits in the middle of the horrible, inhumane conditions at the camp, the prisoners put on amateur theatrical productions. A smuggled-in copy of And Then There Were None struck a chord with the prisoners with its themes of justice and retribution, and one prisoner wrote an original stage adaptation, which was performed at Buchenwald to an enthusiastic response from the inmates. After the war, the author wrote to Christie asking for permission to perform his adaptation one more time for a special presentation, celebrating the survivors and their return to their regular lives. Christie happily granted special permission.
And now, there is one last word written on the base of the final statuette– actually, two words. “Ethel Rogers.”
You now have all the clues you need to determine the identity of the Mystery Man. Look over the evidence and see if you can unscramble the mystery. Think you can do that? Capital!
So, once you figure out the identity of the Mystery Man– remember, he or she is a thief but not a murderer from a Christie story– write an email to mysterymanattwn–at– Please put “ATTWN Mystery Man Game” in the subject line. Any entries that do not contain this subject heading will be deleted so as to avoid spam. In this email, include three things:
1) The identity of the Mystery Man.
2) Your name.
3) Your user name on the Agatha Christie forums.
Please submit your entries by Midnight, Monday March 21st, Central Standard Time. A full walkthrough of the game and a list of all of the people who solved the mystery will be announced later next week. Good luck!