I preferred the Movie but I saw it first and so I have always found the book a bit of an anti-climax, I didn't feel that with Evil Under The sun or Death On The Nile, in both cases they are as good as the Films not better.
I like the book best of all. Neither of the adaptations have lived up to my expectations.
I found the Finney version the best casting and scenery and script. But I really dislike Albert Finney as Poirot, his Poirot laugh sounds sleazy!!
The Suchet version adds things that didn't happen in the book. For me it was a long, drawn out and gloomy affair. I actually started wondering if to do a spot of ironing whilst it was on... now that's bad!
I thought that it is one of the best Poirot novels Christie has written. I love each and every one of the characters and how they are all linked.... The unravelling of it at the end was fantastic and I had no idea, as I normally try and make a guess! I enjoyed the Suchet version and thought it was how I imagined it, however I do agree with Miss Quinn a little that it was a bit gloomy and dark. They dramatized it very well though! A brilliant plot and storyline...
I saw the big screen version when it first came out in the 70s and loved it! So many great actors all together and the final solution definitely shocked and took me by surprise. I hadn't read the book and so for all these years I never read it, feeling what's the point, I already know how it ends. Well, finally a couple of years ago I figured what the heck, she's like your favorite author and it's considered by many her best book - you might as well read it. And I loved it! It moved right along, wasn't boring, had a lot of atmosphere, and again I had to hand it to Christie for such a well crafted and memorable mystery. She was really at the top of her game on this one. I have not seen the Suchet one but I know people did not like the changes and Poirot's intensity.
After reading the book and watching the movie Finney adaption, I don't feel that the Suchet version has much to offer anyone. Poirot is on the world's most luxurious train but does he look happy? No, I don't think he ever smiles. Any amusing scenes with Mrs Hubbard were completely removed.
After reading the book and watching the movie Finney adaption, I don't feel that the Suchet version has much to offer anyone. Poirot is on the world's most luxurious train but does he look happy? No, I don't think he ever smiles. Any amusing scenes with Mrs Hubbard were completely removed.
I think that Poirot is so use to the first class style that he expects the surroundings and service......thoughts?
I think that Poirot has a high opinion of beauty. The interior of the Orient Express is very beautiful. I''ve not actually been on it (except in my dreams) But I saw it in the documentary Suchet did about the Orient Express. That was a really interesting programme. David Suchet came across as warm and friendly.
Poirot is the first person to notice ladies or even men being beautiful. He is very observant in all things especially art. As well as taking mental notes on passengers, he'd notice every little detail.
Also Poirot is OBSESSED with neatness, order and method! He'd examine every inch for dust or things out of symmetry. He didn't mention any displeasure at his surroundings. But he certainly wasn't happy.
in McGinty's Dead he hated his surroundings. But he's tougher than he seems, so he managed to get used to it. I think the books may have mentioned that as a child his family was poor. So I think he'd have some idea of things not up to first class.
I think that Poirot would consider the food one of the most important aspects of staying on the Orient Express. Strangely enough I don't think it was mentioned in the Suchet adapt.
We could try and attribute Suchet Poirot's melancholy to the fact the coffee wasn't up to standard.... I can understand his agonizing soul searching after the murder. But before? He came across as being fairly sanctimonious. He has throughout the course of the books always done things his own way. But now he's an absolute stickler for rules? I like Poirot in early episodes or best of all, in the books.
This was one movie that certainly lived up to the brilliance of the book. You just don't see ensembles of actors like the one gathered here - Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall, Ingrid Bergman (won best-supp. Oscar), Jacqueline Bisset, Sean Connery, John Gielgud, Wendy Hiller (love her in this!), Anthony Perkins, Vanessa Redgrave, Michael York...magnificient. I see no need to remake this movie!
I agree, Jennifer. although Finney was not perhaps the best Poirot, There was so much right in that version with all those great actors that any remake would really have very large "spats" to fill!
David Suchet playing the best poirot is inevitable..his wlking ,talking and every thing else just leaves me speechless..................................................................................
The movie is quiet good but I think the book is wayyyyy better , am actually uploading my video on it tomorrow I love this book , it's not my favourite but it's really good
membaca jauh lebih baik dari pada menontonnya. segala yang tertulis jauh lebih menggairahkan dan terasa imaginasi yang begitu hidup bermain sesuai alur cerita yang tersusun.
klimaksnya saat tebakan tokoh pembunuh yang ada dalam pikiran saya benar !
Sometimes I think ITV should have left out some of the Poirot Books and put more money into the Better Adaptations and leave out MOTOE and The Labours of Hercules and The Big Four, Sacrilage I know but other times I think It is Good they did them all.
Sometimes I think ITV should have left out some of the Poirot Books and put more money into the Better Adaptations and leave out MOTOE and The Labours of Hercules and The Big Four, Sacrilage I know but other times I think It is Good they did them all.