A Daughter's A Daughter

Hi guys!
Don't know how many of you had a chance to read A Daughter's a Daughter by Agatha Christie, but for those who did, I want to open a discussion on whether or not you think Sarah and Agatha's relationship could be reflected in the novel. For example, Sarah's opposition to the man Mrs Prentice wants to make her second husband could be a parallel to Christie's own second marriage and Christie's own daughter Rosalind's possible opposition.
Don't know how many of you had a chance to read A Daughter's a Daughter by Agatha Christie, but for those who did, I want to open a discussion on whether or not you think Sarah and Agatha's relationship could be reflected in the novel. For example, Sarah's opposition to the man Mrs Prentice wants to make her second husband could be a parallel to Christie's own second marriage and Christie's own daughter Rosalind's possible opposition.
"I mentioned the name of Max.
‘I think he’d be much the best,’ said Rosalind. ‘In fact I think it would be a very good thing if you did marry him.’ Then she added: ‘We might have a boat of our own, don’t you think? And he would be useful in a lot of ways. He is rather good at tennis, isn’t he? He could play with me.’ "
However, AC's sister opposed the marriage, so perhaps that is the parallel you are looking for.
Thanks for the clarification, @taliavishay-arbel