Info needed on Christie's early writing career

hi everyone,
For my Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) I am writing about how easy it was (or wasn't) for female novelists to be published in the early 20th century. As you all know, Agatha's first novel was published right in this timeframe! I was wondering if anyone could provide me with any information regarding Agatha Christie's first publisher, how she managed to get published, if she had any problems etc etc. Any information you could provide me would be gratefully apprechiated!
Many thanks, Taya
For my Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) I am writing about how easy it was (or wasn't) for female novelists to be published in the early 20th century. As you all know, Agatha's first novel was published right in this timeframe! I was wondering if anyone could provide me with any information regarding Agatha Christie's first publisher, how she managed to get published, if she had any problems etc etc. Any information you could provide me would be gratefully apprechiated!
Many thanks, Taya