November 2013 Book of the Month: Endless Night

This month we're reading Endless Night - a chilling romance, in which a gypsy curse threatens a young couple when they build their home on cursed land.
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Post your discussion questions here.
The Only thing in this books favour is that it isn't Passenger To Frankfurt Characters dull and the Plot uninteresting, I am glad ITV are putting Miss Marple in this one, It can only improve it like Hastings being in the Adaptation of Murder In Mesopotamia improved that.
I hate to say this but there are times when certain things don't make sense to me. For instance, when Mike tries to borrow money from his mother to buy a suit to get married in. At the time of reading this, I was not aware of the relationship between him and Greta but at the end of the book when I was reflecting on things, I thought it strange that he had not asked Greta since she had a good job. Perhaps there's a sort of red herring here. Those who have read the book will know where I'm coming from.
Santonix was very protective of Ellie. In Chapter 13 when Mike carries her over the threshold and he stumbles, Santonix sees it as a bad omen. He tells Mike to be good to her and to take good care of her. He says "Don't let harm come to her. She can't take care of herself. She thinks she can." Ellie then asks Santonix "Why should anything happen to me?" Santonix responds "Because it's a bad world and there are bad people in it and there are some bad people around you, my girl. I know, I've seen one or two of them. Seen them down here. They come nosing around, sniffing around like the rats they are." Santonix knew about the evilness of Mike and Greta but could do nothing except to give a warning which was too subtle for Ellie to comprehend.
Mike's mother sees through Greta as soon as she meets her. At the end of the book, we discover what she had always felt to be the truth about her son and we know why she always looked at him the way she did. Poor woman!
It's very sad when Ellie dies. Agatha's work here is Agatha in action as we know her and love her. I was suspicious but really did believe the horse had been spooked by the gipsy. I despised Mike's attitude at the inquest and the burial. He was just so cold. Never shed a tear. He was so detached.
When the gipsy was found dead, I knew without doubt that Mike had been paying her and had killed her to keep her from blackmailing him.
When Santonix dies saying to Mike, "You damned fool...Why didn't you go the other way?" At the time we did not know about Mike and Greta. It's only at the end of the book that we realize Santonix suspected his entanglement with Greta and he was asking him why had had not chosen to be with Ellie who to him was the better choice and a chance for him to renew himself.
When Mike is coming home and sings "Home is the sailor, home from the sea. And the hunter home from the hill. . . " I despised him more than ever.
In Chapter 23, when he's on the boat coming home, he finds himself wishing for Santonix to be with him. He says, "I wish he could know how everything was all coming true. Everything I'd planned --everything I'd thought -- everything I'd wanted." It's always the pronoun "I" with him to the detriment of everyone else. How I despised him!
It's chilling when he starts to confess to killing a boyhood friend and later on a buddy. In the end he realizes when he sees Ellie that she can't see him because he's not the man she married. He's "Endless Night" as are all the psychopaths in the world. They love the darkness and dwell in it. Ellie could not see "Endless Night" when she was looking for Mike because she had not married "Endless Night". She had married what she had thought to be a good man.
I did not shed any tears when he killed Greta. In real life, when two psychopaths get together, horrible things happen to good people. And this happens often. The prisons are filled with such people.
I enjoyed reading this book. It was different from what Agatha usually does. I look forward to the next book. Sorry I was so late in commenting.
It brought to mind two cases in Canada in years past when two psychopaths got together. Both were couples and they killed young girls in cold blood with premeditation and no emphathy or regret whatsoever. Nothing in real life surprises me anymore. Just look at all that goes on in slaughterhouses around the world where animals are treated with such cruelty by the psychopathst who work in those places. We live in a cruel world and nothing in fiction can ever surprise me! One only has to watch The Earthlings to see cruelty and heartlessness!
Here are the positive and negative aspects of the film:
- The Body In The Library was good vibrant and fun - apart from changing the murderers.
- Murder In The Vicarage was ok.
- 4.50 from Paddington I thought was dire because it had such wooden acting.
- A Murder Is Announced- I really liked this although it sparked some controversy.
The next series began going much further away from the book and became frivolous:- Sleeping Murder- changes were made and I hated it!
- The Moving Finger- best of that series
- By The Pricking Of My Thumbs- terrible. Miss Marple meets Tommy and Tuppence who were made out to be a chauvinist and an alcoholic.
- The Sittaford mystery- I find it hard not to use very strong words when describing this episode!! It was a re-write, it was absurd it was horrible.
Next series- rather mixed:- The Pale horse- I love the book and was resentful of them adding Miss Marple. but against my will I found I quite liked most of episode.
- The Secret Of Chimneys- I didn't watch it all. So bad It was like having teeth pulled out, it hurt!
- The Blue Geranium- this is good, too long though.
- The mirror Crack'd- poor
The next series- only 3 episodes made, possibly because of the viewers ratings plummeted and it was risky to film too many.Why was there Contreversy with ITVs Murder Is Announced? I personally liked it apart from Bunch wasn't in it, Oh I know the Relationship between Hinchcliffe and Miss Murgatroyed was more blatant but still not enough to scare the Horses,
I think that one, Murder At The Vicarage and Caribean Mystery are the best ones and also perhaps 450 From Paddington although I would have cast Griff Rhys-Jones as Alfred
I didn't like Pale Horse or Why Didn't They Ask Evans either, I am angry ITV put Miss Marple in the Latter and left Ariadne out of the Former.
I hated Nemesis and Sleeping Murder, Thought They Do It With Mirrors was better than the book and The Helen Hayes Film.
I was glad to see a Character never portrayed before in The Mirror Crack'd
I was really pleased they Changed the Murderer of The Secret of Chimneys. The Blue Gerranium and Greenshaw's Folly were I though o.k. (The Former better than the latter), The Moving Finger and Pocketfull of Rye were Adequate,
Murder Is Easy was rushed and not Good but not as bad as Nemesis and Sleeping Murder
I also liked The Film The Mirror Crack'd but not as good as The Hickson's, ITV should put Miss Marple in the little film at the beginning of The Mirror Crack'd That would be good