
Anybody remember how tragic and maybe apocalyptic Agatha- err- -I mean- Mary Westmacott dramatically envisioned her ex husband and Nelly going down on the Titanic? I forgot what novel that was.
Was it Giant's Beard?
(Okay, it wasn't the Titanic, but I suppose I had to exaggerate its emphasis.)
Was it Giant's Beard?
(Okay, it wasn't the Titanic, but I suppose I had to exaggerate its emphasis.)
Yes, you are correct, the story is Giant's Bread. On page 382 of 388 pages in my paperback version, we find out what happened.
Terrible disaster to Resplendent
Jane's dead. [ ]
I can't describe the thing - it happened very suddenly, you know - in the middle of the night. There was very little time. The boat heeled over, you know, at an appalling angle ... The two of them together - slipping - sliding down the deck - they couldn't save themselves.
Goodbye, Archie! Just like that. Even though, Mary Westmacott exaggerated her ex husband's persona, by making him a great composer, she must have resented his betrayal, however she kept on punishing him for the rest of his life by publishing mystery novels in full detail making sure that the colonels were portrayed as either being the victims, like Colonel Protheroe, or very devious and suspicious characters, like Colonel Carbury, thus keeping the name of Christie in sheer mockery. I must say, for once, that the pen of Agatha Christie was very true to a Virgoan vindictiveness.