Sarah Phelps to adapt The ABC Murders
This bit is quite scary:
quote - Asked by Digital Spy how she felt about approaching the iconic character, Phelps explained: "I've never read a Poirot, and I've never watched a Poirot, so for me, this is all about asking who he is. That's all I've got to say."
This bit is quite scary:
quote - Asked by Digital Spy how she felt about approaching the iconic character, Phelps explained: "I've never read a Poirot, and I've never watched a Poirot, so for me, this is all about asking who he is. That's all I've got to say."
I know that the upcoming ABC Murders won't be good, just as a lot of the recent adaptations weren't. I think the age of great Christie adaptations are over. We're seeing a splurge, a renaissance of adaptations but they're not good. Big budget but the adaptations lack something. I look at adaptations like the 1985 version of A Murder Is Announced, The ABC Murders, The Mysterious Affair At Styles, The Body In the Library (with Joan Hickson) and comparing those to what we're getting today with the recent Ordeal By Innocence, Witness For the Prosecution, And Then There Were None, and the Partners In Crime w/ Tommy & Tuppence, they don't hold a candle to the older adaptations. No, the older adaptations weren't perfect but they respected Christie's work to adapt what she wrote.
If she doesn't stay away from Agatha Christie at least stay away from Poirot, Miss Marple and Tommy and Tuppence, the way she has done Ordeal By Innocense and And Then There Were None (I missed Witness For \the Prosecution) it is obviously she is better suited to Adapting Stories that aren't so well loved, she will probably have Hastings and Poirot as Childhood friends with a Dark secretthat is the way Adaptions of Christie is going, If Adaptations of Christie can't be done with sensitivity and respect Don't bother PLEASE!!!
What Lawyer?
Oh, Your'e talking about Witness For The Prosecution are you? I didn't see that, I thought you were talking about Ordeal By Innpcense.
I wonder if Hastings and Japp will be included and if they are who will play them and Poirot?
I think she said she had never read a Poirot Book so she would be discovering who he is, Perhaps that is a way that The BBC teach new writers these days, they give them a Book by an Author they are not keen on or familiar with to see how they get on and if they impress The BBC Executives by giving the Complaints Department a lot of work the Writer is allowed to write something he or she is interested in.
Instead of trying to appeal to a younger Generation she should try and please Real Agatha Christie Fans and The BBC need to realise it is OK if not everything appeals to Everybody.
Absolutely. You have said it all, so I realised I didn't need to post my own comments as they are - more or less verbatim - the points that several of you have already made!! :-)
My, isn't it nice to read that someone else has the same opinion; it makes me realise I'm not being pernickety at all in wanting a faithful but still vibrant adaptation
[ALERT: POTENTIAL SPOILER re recent TV version of 'Ordeal By Innocence':] One major criticism of the 'Ordeal By Innocence' TV drama, I really need to make. Though I can't mention too much about the end of the TV adaptation, as I think that might be deemed a spoiler (although it seems that you have all seen this TV drama already...!), I think I can safely state that the very last moments of the drama were NOT in the style of ANY of the (many) Christie books I have read. It was more like an adaptation of a great Barbara Vine tale, or a Minette Walters , et al. It is appalling to think that this dark moment could be cited as being an adaptation of any of A.C.'s stories.
I may well go out of the house when the next A.C. televisualisation - 'The ABC Murders' - is broadcast. I have had enough. And no, I won't be recording it. ,-)
Please, BBC, take Sarah Phelps - or whoever is responsible for this - off the job. She is, IMHO, simply not up to it.
I agree, PLEASE BBC, get someone who has both a passion and RESPECT for Christie's books and yearns not only to be faithful to her works but understand changes that are appropriate to the tone and style of Christie instead of attempting to modernize at the expense of betraying what made Christie popular to begin with.
Please BBC, sever all ties with Sarah Phelps and get Anthony Horowitz or Simon Brett to Adapt ABC Murders, just someone who has read Agatha Christie Books or loves Agatha Christie Books and is going to Adapt the Book sympathetically and with the feelings of life-long fans in mind.
OMG! The new 'Hercule Poirot' is to be played by . . .
John Malkovich ! ! :
John Malkovich to play Hercule Poirot in The ABC Murders
28 May 2018
I should think Malkovich would imbue Christie's 'precise' Poirot with a psychotic edginess! No matter how contained he seems in the role, I would be watching the programme thinking that any minute Malkovich's Poirot would - or could - explode into a tirade of manic behaviour of some kind. Which is presumably why he was cast.
Plus it will be a new version of the Poirot character, & any new casting will naturally make people's heads turn. And by casting a Hollywood star it will, of course, sell the programme back to the US. But whether or not such a new depiction works in the TV drama, it's hardly a shrewd, insightful, & neat little character, is it? And isn't that how Agatha Christie penned the character?!
Yet another example of BBC 'ineptitude'!! And of Phelps changing Christie for her own ends.
And all the more reason not to watch this Phelps adaptation. :-(
Hey-ho! More disappointment! ,-)
It might be that if we have to have an American Poirit then Malkovivch is the ideal person just like Helen Hayes was the best choice if we were going to have an American Miss Marple, Angela Landesbury was also a Great choice but she is English., I can see Poirot being played the way you fear Malkovich will, I think, The Last Word's Post is Brilliant.
I liked Japp, It is a shame he was killed off, I took it to be her saying "Right, now I have got rid of him, I can do what I like", after I finished watching Episode 3 I won't watch it again, Crooked House had its problems but it was much better than the BBC Adaptations in recent years.