Hi @SirHenryClithering You have set yourself an interesting task. This question has been asked in previous years, and I'm not aware of a Christie Year Plan. There is the book of the month and that may be of interest, and there is also the list of all the stories in publishing order, Miss Marple books and Poirot books. However, there are 66 novels and 14 short story collections, some published as plays and vice versa and don't forget the books written as Mary Westmacott. So, you might be looking at more that one book a week, which may be achievable as some stores are only about the 200 to 250 pages long, but I always feel that the stories need a period of time after reading to be digested and reflected on. Do you have the full collection of Christie books? Let us know how you get on and which books you have selected to read as you progress.
There are 66 Novels and 52 Weeks in a year that means you will have to take on average less than a week to red each book and to fully take in the splendour of the books at least some of them and the complexities of others would I would suggest take more than a week, you need to take your time with a Christie just like some other Authors, you need all the books and to plan a strategy, I wish you well especially when you get to the ones I found unenjoyable Endless Night, Death Comes As The End, Passenger to Frankfurt and Murder in Mesopotamia to name 4 and it has been an effort to finish some others as well, I hope you don't have the same problem.
Thank you both! I am now thinking of selecting a larger handful of her novels and not all of them, since I do want to enjoy each of them without rushing. I do have quite a few of her books and family members with more, so I think I will make a list of two or three books to read each month (including Book of the Month), and will look to avoid the slower novels.
I like the fact some short stories are re-worked to make Novels but I found Endless Night such a chore, reading Agatha Christie should never be a chore.
You have set yourself an interesting task. This question has been asked in previous years, and I'm not aware of a Christie Year Plan. There is the book of the month and that may be of interest, and there is also the list of all the stories in publishing order, Miss Marple books and Poirot books. However, there are 66 novels and 14 short story collections, some published as plays and vice versa and don't forget the books written as Mary Westmacott. So, you might be looking at more that one book a week, which may be achievable as some stores are only about the 200 to 250 pages long, but I always feel that the stories need a period of time after reading to be digested and reflected on. Do you have the full collection of Christie books? Let us know how you get on and which books you have selected to read as you progress.