Versions of Christie Books

I am looking to do an in-depth study of the language of Christie's novels, beginning with the Poirot novels. I study language, style, and emotion in plot.
I have two questions:
1. Do newer editions of the novels include new text? Did Christie's novels change with re-publication? Or can I rely on newer versions being substantially the same as original ones?
2. Does anyone know a good (and legitimate) source of the novels online that can be downloaded and studied?
These are the three major examples. Of course, many titles have been changed, and And Then There Were None and others have had ethnic slurs removed.
Note that punctuation is radically different sometimes between the US and UK editions (commas vs. dashes, etc.)
About the only place you can legally download the most recent US ebooks (which are now taken directly from the original UK versions, but still contain some changes) is, or perhaps Barnes and Noble or a similar reputable bookselling site.
Thank you all. This gives me a good grip on the problem.