And Then There Were None - Kevin Elyot Adaption

This debuted on the West End in the 05-06 season. Supposedly Elyot's version was much more gruesome than Christie's own adaptation, and showed a good deal of violence onstage, including the original ending.
Did anyone manage to see it? There's very little information online; it is all the same publicity packet stuff about the premise of the show rather than any actual information on the changes Elyot made. It'd be great to find out more.
Did anyone manage to see it? There's very little information online; it is all the same publicity packet stuff about the premise of the show rather than any actual information on the changes Elyot made. It'd be great to find out more.
•The play opens at the dinner table with all the guests seated around it.
•The first poisoning scene is features projectile vomiting.
•The hanging victim is supposed to mimic the spasms of an actual hanging.
•Two characters have a sexual encounter on the beach.
That's about all I know. As you say, there's very little about it online.