March's "Book of the Month" is The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side. What happens when Hollywood comes to St. Mary Mead? When a glamorous movie star buys Gossington Hall (the Bantrys' old estate featured in The Body in the Library), the residents of the British village think that life is going to get a lot more exciting. They're certainly right, as a guest is poisoned at a big party. But who was the real target, and what's the motive? As the bodies pile up, it's up to Miss Marple to figure out the truth.
I thought it interesting that the Hollywood version (with Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson) Slightly changed the ending so as to leave "Jason" Played by Hudson spotless - how they were over-careful of their stars' reputation! I prefered the Joan Hickson version. Other opinions of the movies?
I like the book also, I thought Heather Badcock was very real, I have known someone like her, people like her have no idea what damage there words and actions can do, I also hated Miss Knight, I love the fact it is set in St Mary Mead and I loved Dolly Bantry's involvement in the Mystery, I have enjoyed all the Adaptations of the Book, but it isn't one of my Top 6 Miss Marple Books and not one of my Top 21 Fvourite Agatha Christie Books, I also like Craddock, I liked the bit at the beginning of the Film where we saw the Villagers seeing a Film, It is a shame the 'Film' wasn't made into a Miss Marple by ITV, that would have been much better than putting Miss Marple in the stories ITV Catapulted her in.