Guess who I am

The idea of the game is simple. I choose an Agatha Christie's character and give you one thing about them. Then you start asking yes-no questions. At any time you can try to guess who the character is. The one who is correct will be the next one to pick a character and give the rest of us a hint.
Just one quick remark before the game starts - please, ask answerable questions (such that can be found on a book, and not some impossible question that even Agatha Christie would not be able to tell for her character ). Also, in case you are taking part in the game, keep in mind that some spoilers may occur at any time to you for books you have not already read.
I will start.
I am a man who was murdered for something I knew.
Good luck, enjoy and have fun!
Are you Shaitanna from Cards On The Table?
No, I am not.
Well, no.
Now, the method and the year shorten the list.
And we have a winner!
Yes, I am.
One of my favourite characters.
Zeddie can continue now.