Chapter Six: Someone is Missing

In the next chapter our of collaborative writing competition, someone is about to go missing.
Are they a suspect? A victim? The detective himself? Do they hold the one piece of evidence to prove the murderer's identity?
Leave your thoughts, ideas, comments and suggestions below.
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It is amazing the details we remember, isn't it? Now that we speak of telephones, our neighbor one floor above used to have something similar, probably placed on a marble table; we could hear it ring like it was in the next room. And the neighboring Lady living two floors above would walk with her wooden-sole shoes on her tiled hallway - we could hear that too.
Well, Miss Blacklock could keep in touch with her sister through the telephone? I much rather need one of her visitors to receive a phone call.
Thanks again! Good luck with your chapter!
It should be working now
It is such an honor to be winning an Agatha Christie writing competition!!! Thank you so much for this opportunity!! A dream come true!!! I am sooooo exited!
Well, it paid off to wake up at 4am in order to have time to write
For a moment I thought your missing person would be the one I was going to get missing. But no, it was another one.
I see very interesting clues, some of them definately misleading. But I think I also saw the most important one and I think I know who you targeted as the murderer. But after reading, I have also two more people, who would make up nice murderers.