"The Dark Lash" Chapter Two

Chapter Two
Part I
LeVourne, his assistant and I went to the crime scene. His assistant’s name was Chucklemod. John Chucklemod. He was a young, amateur policeman. He had only a two-month experience but he had great qualifications. He had black like death eyes, black short hair and he was as tall as I. He was walking with unsure steps and he was a bit anxious.
When we reached, the body had disappeared. It had vanished like smoke! LeVourne turned to me and looked at me. When he watches at me I feel that he is not looking at me but in my soul.
Chucklemod had a brilliant face and preferred not to look at the place the body was before but look for the dead body. And so did I. I did not do it to find the body but for not looking at LeVourne. I felt his eyes on me. Then I saw blood at the pebbles where the body was. I directed my finger there and LeVourne looked at it.
-Oh dear, did you believe that I thought you crazy, he said
- Of course not, I said but it was not true.
- While we were coming I saw blood on the pebbles and at the road. Are you sure she was dead when you left her?
- Yes of course. She had so much blood that her white dress turned into a red dress.
- So, there are two possibilities. The signs of blood I saw before were there because someone was trying to move this woman to the sea and sink it to the water. But why he left it there to move it after fifteen minutes? So the second possibility is the predominant. Someone killed her at the beach, went somewhere to find help to move her and vanish her. Now, let’s go to miss Mabely’s home to ask you some questions.
We left for the house immediately. LeVourne said to Chucklemod that he was free for this night. So he left.
I was examined with my wife at the kitchen.
-Now, tell me what happened today. Why were you here?
-Well, we were invited by miss Mabely to have a tea.
- Mr. Bumbleby was also invited. He made one of his boring monologues about technology. His monologue was interrupted by the mysterious woman’s unexpected visit. When she came in I noticed that she was drowsy and that before some minutes she was sleeping. She said something to Mr. Bumbleby. Bumbleby lost his temper and shouted to the woman to go home. She left and after some minutes he did so. After half an hour we also left and had a small walk before going home. Then we saw the woman lying near the sea. She was still alive. She said something like “the dark grass”
- She actually said “The Dark Lash”, said my wife
- Then she said her last words “You should stop it! Wickedness is everywhere!" We went to miss Mabely’s home to call the police and we had a very rude welcoming by miss Mabely. Afterwards we showed the body to Miss Mabely. I think that she knew her name. Something like Shirley. Then we went to the house waiting you. While waiting you we didn’t say anything to each other.
Inspector LeVourne was thinking so much that he couldn’t hear us. After a ten minutes of consideration he said
-The Dark Lash… it sounds like a Bar. I will search it. Anyway, it sounds like a very intriguing mystery. I think that it would be so difficult to solve that I will need a third assistant. Do you mind for this position?
- Why not? It will be like the old times.
- Yes… Old times… Oh no it started raining again!