Poirot's Brother!

I recently discovered the fact that Poirot has (had?) a brother - Achille Poirot. It's mentioned, as some of you will know, in The Labours Of Hercules. Is his brother mentioned in any of the other books, does anyone know? Thanks! 

We know the certainty of his existence in Labors of Hercules, where Poirot's friend comments on his past with Achille, Mycroft and Sherlock.
Dr. Burton says:
"...you had a brother called Achille, did you not?"
Poirot's mind raced back over the details of Achille Poirot's career. Had all that really happened?
"Only for a short space of time,"
Since the "Achille" that appears in "The big four" is grown-up, if he were a real person he could not have been Hercule's brother "For a short space of time". The inference is that he was imagined for a short space of time.