Which Was Your First Agatha Christie Book?

Μy first Agatha Christie book was 'The Crooked House' . It was a Agatha Christie classic. An old, rich man or woman is murdered and everyone around him has a motive and the opportunity. When I finished I was completely shocked because when I read it ************* (removed because of spoiler - apologies. Spoiler alert buttons to be introduced soon) But 'The Crooked House' was only the start. I liked it and continued reading and reading... It is a year I am reading Agatha Christie and I have read almost the half she has written. Do you like the Greek cover for 'Crooked House'?
I was 12 when I read The Murder of Roger Ackroyd and was hooked. I am now 58 and still absolutely love her original works and will read and re-read them forever.
I am still to read "The Mysterious Affair At Styles", though.
I did a quick search on wikipedia, looks like PA started in USA in 1985 first in music, was used for "explicit lyrics.
Well, that's about when I read my first Christie.
I still have that old copy of And Then There Were None and whenever I pick it up I still get the same thrilling-chilly shiver down my spine!
I have been a fan since I read my first Christie at age 11. It was 4:50 from Paddington, purchased through a school book club magazine. I was intrigued by the cover depicting a red-fingernailed hand, gripped by a man's hand, sliding down the carriage wall, unable to pull the emergency chain. That book is still one of my favourites; I have since procured a first edition copy with book jacket intact (from a second hand bookstall!).