How do you see The Mysterious Mr Quin's ending story?

in Harley Quin
That's it, as the title of the topic says. The whole book itself is very different to AC usual standards, but this story in particular, Harlequin's Lane, is completely surrealistic.
You found the fifth little soldier boy! You are on a roll!
After WWII, Agatha Christie was looking for a surefire hit, and briefly considered writing a sequel to And Then There Were None, perhaps both as a book and as a play. You might wonder how such a storyline might work, given the ending to the original story, but in some early notes, Christie considered bringing the loved ones of the original characters (and possibly their victims) to the island for a further investigation, potentially shedding a different light on the events of the original tale. Though we don’t know for sure what caused Christie to abandon the project, we do know that And Then There Were None 2 never made its way past the brainstorming stage, thereby joining a long list of ideas Christie had for new books that were never written. Other ideas Christie had that never came into fruition include a mystery based on the characters from the board game Cluedo (Clue in the U.S.), an original tale inspired by the famous real-life Leopold and Loeb murder case, and a plot featuring the brother of Mrs. Ariadne Oliver. And Then There Were None was not the only one of Christie’s non-series works that she considered writing a direct sequel to, for she briefly flirted with writing The Mousetrap 2, as well.
As expected, there’s another word on the base of the statuette. “Lombard.” The link between the names seems clear, but what are they telling us?
Perhaps Mrs Willetts asked Burnaby who would be good to have at a Party he suggested Mr Ryecroft and Mr Garfield and then primed the younger one to put the idea into the older one's gead knowing that he has an interest in these things.
I meamt to say in my last post that If The Table Turning hadn't been suggested The Murderer wuld have found a different way to put The Victim in people's heads..
I can't remember if Mrs Willetts has prior knowledge of Burnaby if not perhaps when she was asking the Victim to come to one of her parties he said "No Thankyou Burnaby might like to though"
Harlequins Lane was not meant as the ending! There are at least three clues that indicate the event took place earlier. <SPOILER> And not even in this world, but in a shadowland. In my opinion Harlequin isn't the killer, but the third lad (the shadow lad) who provided the third way... Suicide. Harlequin is Death, or Hades (who had the ability to become invisible with his helmet, I've been told he's sometimes called the advocate of the dead as well). Hermes (his dog in the HarlequinTea Set) was Hades' messenger (also in the HTS)!
Can Death be a killer? He offers a a third way...
"For ten years I have lived with the man I love," said Anna Kharsanova. "Now I am going to the man who for ten years has loved me." - Mr. Satterthwaite said nothing. (...)
from Agatha Cristie's Dark Shiela poem- "I know, my friend, I know. But there is no third way. (...)"
"But Sheila, dark Sheila, is out upon the moorland,
She's out upon the moorland, where the heather meets the sky!
And the lads shall never find her, for there's One walks by her side there .
A Stranger Lad, a Shadow Lad, who would not be denied there...
she turned to his calling
as the shades of the night were falling
she turned to his calling... and answered to his Cry..."
Perhaps if he left Anna no other choice, HQ could be seen as a killer. Is he?
Mr. Quin waited a minute and then said gently: “You can put it that way, if you like.”
I agree it is surrealistic, but I think she (AC) has put clues in other Quin stories that this event didn't happen in our world (world of the other Quin Stories) but somewhere else in a Parallel Universe or Shadow world.
Oh Yes, Thank you, I meant Satterthwaite