


Une simple question


Dans « la mystérieuse affaire de Styles » publiée en 1920 on parle de Poirot grand détective qui a résolu « Le crime de Roger Acroyd ». Or ce roman est sorti en 1926. Quelqu'un pourrait-il m’expliquer



Carlo Ciabrini



  • GKCfanGKCfan Wisconsin, United States
    If this was mentioned on the dust jacket or the promotional material, it's just a reference to one of Poirot's most famous cases.  It is not implying that this case was solved prior to Mysterious Affair.
  • Tommy_A_JonesTommy_A_Jones Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
    It is obviously an addition brought out after The Murder of Roger Ackroyd which would mention books Published up until the Edition.
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