February's Book of the Month: Nemesis

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February's book of the month is dedicated to Geraldine McEwan who played Miss Marple between 2003 to 2007. Nemesis was the last Miss Marple novel that Agatha Christie wrote and the last TV adaptation that Geraldine McEwan played the much loved role of Miss Marple in.
Leave your comments and questions on the story here. Was this your first Miss Marple mystery? If not, how did it compare to the others you've read?
It is a shame IMHO that the Book Of the Month isn't 4.50 From Paddington, Mursder t The Vicarage or A Murder Is Announced, as the ITV versions of those with Geraldine McKewan were Brilliant and Unfortunately Nemesis wasn't, I would have thought The people in charge of the site would know most people would agree with that and so make the Book of the Month one of those, even if those Adaptations are not considedred by others as Brilliant It should be known that this adaptation isn't considered highly, perhapsthe people in charge of the site don't read the Posts.
I usually very fond of Marple's mysteries as 4.50 to Paddington, A Murder is Annonunced and so on.
And I agree with Tommy_A_Jones about the ITV adaptions with Geraldine McEwan. I don't think they were brilliant, but they were in general quite nice, except Nemesis and At Bertram Hotel. These were distasteful. It's a shame such a good actress has played a role in such movies!
Cards On The Table is an EXCELLENT book and I was hoping or so hopeful about the Adaptation but No Battle, No Race, The Motives UNNEESSARILY Changed, Battle's Replacement and his circumstances were unnecessary and silly, the ludicrous swap over of women all made up a HORRIBLE Adaptation.
Well, Sleeping Murder was written during the war as an insurance policy even though it wasn't published until over 30 years later so in my chronological ordering of the Marple stories I place it very early, between The Murder at the Vicarage and The Body in the Library. The Thirteen Problems being first in the list and of course Miss Marple's Final Cases really aren't final at all are they, since those stories were written between 1934 and 1954 whilst Nemesis was 1971.
I'm in two minds as to wether Nemesis is a fitting epitaph or not. I like the book, and it's good to see Miss Marple still in top form at the end of her sleuthing career, rather like Dame Agatha herself, but like you I have wondered about what she would have done with all that money. Maybe we could have had a short epilogue supposedly written by Cherry after Miss M's death to fill in some of the details?
It says In The Book I think that Jason doesn't give Miss Marple more information as he wants her to investigate without having he mind couded, I thought that he could have given her more information then Realised he couldn't without influencing her and now I am not sure.
I don't like the ending.
But I think it was a good ending to MM, it's full of references to others books, of course there are much more to The Caribbean Mystery and I appreciate this. Moreover, it has a nostagic atmosphere in the whole book. While you read it, you feel a kind of farewell moment, as if this book would be the last one.
Besides, I agree with Toomy_A_Jones. I think it's quite natural you talk about the adaptions when you comment the book of the month. You like to compare the adpt to the book and it's a way to write about the book. There are some of us that just watched the film and didn't read the book yet. You're suppose to have fun here. It's not a school paper.
I think it's very logical the murderer be Clotilde, but I didn't consider very plausible the "bodyguards" and the whistle. I think the "exposure of the murder scenario" a bit too much dramatic. I don't buy it.
I understand that it's necessary a bodyguard or a protector watching Miss Marple. She is an eldery lady that faces a murderer and she doesn't have (at begining) any clue about what happened, who did it etc.
My "problem" is the scene. When I read and picture the scene of "expousure of the murderer" in my mind, it doesn't work. Maybe if there was a nurse (a bodyguard/ protector disguided as a nurse, for instance) with her and she was in the next room watching all the movements of the house.... I don't know. I just thought it was too theatrical for my taste.