your top based on nursery rhymes christie novels
I noticed there are bunch of Christie novels which are based on famous nursery rhymes ,do you have any idea why ??
also rank your top based on nursery rhymes Christie novels. why does it seem that I know your first choice

My top three "rhyme" favourites are:
1. Crooked House.
2. A Pocket Full of Rye
3. Mrs McGinty's Dead
Strictly speaking, Mrs McGinty's Dead is more of a children's game than a nursery rhyme. Still, I always count it in my own "rhyme" list. The rest I rate as follows:
4. One, Two, Buckle my Shoe
5. Five Little Pigs
6. Hickory, Dickory, Dock
7. And Then There Were None
Delicious_Death you're the first one who ranked and then there were none as the least one , any reasons?
First, there's no humour in ATTWN, and humour is one of the great charms of Agatha Christie's work for me. Secondly, I can't warm to any of the characters because we learn very early in the book what they've done, and after that I don't particularly care about their fate. Thirdly, it's not a detective story, so lacks all the fun of clues and red herrings. It's a mystery with a very clever solution and I've read it several times, but it's not the kind of Christie that I love.