The Innocents left behind

in Miss Marple
Hi.Does anyone ever wonder what became of some of the characters in Miss Marple's stories (Or any Agatha Christie novel for that matter) For example: The Moving Finger...With Mona Symmington dead.Richard Symmington hanged (presumably) and Megan married to Jerry....I often wonder what became of the twins ??
Did they move away permanently to Boarding school ?
Did they grow up blindly blaming Megan and their mother for their father's behaviour ?
And did they return to Lymstock as adults to wreak revenge ??
Does anyone have any thoughts on other characters ?
I think the Oldest Symmington boy will go to Boarding School aqnd to Megan and Jerry in the Holidays and will be joined by the other one when he is Old enough, The Younger one will have his nose put out of joint when the Couple's soon arrives as it will as things in Agatha Christie books only happen a short time before, like Servant's employment, Death's of people who die just before a book starts etc and he will go on to be a Killer unless that is if the baby is a Girl, that is the only chance he has of escaping a give it to the Government for people who are on Witness ProtectionRecord.
Lavinia Glynn and Anthea will leave the House for it to be Purchased by the young Couple who turn it into a B & B or it will be bought by Professor Wanstead who will Give it to the Government and turn it into a Home for someone on Witness Protection.
I would like to think Rhoda Dawes Learns to play Bridge and becomes a Teacher for people who want to learn to Play The Game to Occupy her time while Major Despard takes Groups of people on Explorations.