To celebrate And Then There Were None being voted the World's Favourite Christie, we've decided to make it the Book of the Month once again.
Over 15,000 people voted from all over the world, and And Then There Were None was the clear favourite to win. Do you agree that it rightfully became the World's Favourite Christie?
Leave your thoughts, theories, questions and queries about the book below.
I just love it!
It gets me so involved that I think I'm there!
Yes,@Griselda, it's scary to see someone taking justice into his hands. Scary and dangerous, it's against all rules and our feelings of right and wrong, but as work of art, it's marvelous!
When the judge is apparently killed, the only person who can be ruled out as his murderer is Vera, since she is being attended to by at least one of the men the entire time they are all absent from the room the judge is in. Lombard would have noted that, being the observant type that he was, and should have remembered that when they discovered Armstrong's body on the beach.