"And Then There Were None" or "Murder on the Orient Express"?

Hi guys! I'm a huge fan of Agatha and I have a question for you: what do you think is better between "And Then There Were None" and "Murder on the Orient Express"? Sorry for my english

I love this book. It's perfect!
And Then There Were None is Excellent and Murder On The Orient Express is perhaps Famous for they Hype that surrounds it.
But I think in his letter he writes that what he his actions weren' t right, that he's wicked. I think he only found a way to satisfy his evil nature being a judge. And I don't think A.C endorsed his behave in any moment.
ATTWN comes as across as a dark, brooding mystery/suspense story where everyone's fate seems sealed. It is a great book, but likely would fall second or third on my list of best Christies.
The solutions of both, however, like that of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, were very novel and unheard of in the Golden Era crime fraternity, which made them (and still make them) extremely ingenious. Both, of course, made the readers want to tear out their hair and cry 'How could I have been so stupid?'
So... to choose or not to choose...?