Clues in Roger Ackroyd

On the map of the room in which Roger dies (found in chapter 7), the Grandfather chair in not in the interesting position described by Poirot. Neither does it have the X on it that Dr Sheppard states that there should be to indicate the chair in question. I have often wondered if this was an innocent mistake or something a little more fishy!!!
Have we been offered a visual clue by the great lady?
How interesting! I will be in Canada this Summer so I will look out for the editions you mention!
I have just l looked in my facsimilie first edition and the cross is there! I is not in any of the paperback copies that I have though.!
I will investigate Tommy's question and your suggestion. Its a point I had never considered before.
Some I dislike so much I wouldn't mind hearing their titles ever again.
Death Comes As The End
Endless Night
Passenger To Frankfurt
Sparkling Cyanide
They Came To Baghdad
Destination Unknown
Murder In Mesopotamia
Peril At End House
The Mystery Of The Blue Train and probably Murder On The Orient Express and perhaps Sad Cypruss and The Hollow.
I would take They Do It With Mirrors and Caribbean Mystery but only because It would be a shame not to have the set f Miss Marple's but I probably would not read them but as I am not on a Desert Island I do still read those 2.
I would take all the books of short stories because in all the books there is at least 2 short stories I like