"And Then There Were None" Challenge - Cast a big-budget screen version!

The challenge is simple: You are in charge of casting a big-budget screen version of "And Then There Were None". Cast the ten guests on Indian Island. You also have the option on the four additional characters from the novel - Fred Naracott (the boatman), Isaac Morris (Mr. Owen's representative) and the two detectives from Scotland Yard who appear in the Epilogue: Assistant Commissioner Sir Thomas Legge and Inspector Maine. And finally, would your version end like the stage play ("He got married") or the novel ("He went and hanged himself")?
To get things started, here is my list:
Dr. Armstrong - Sir Anthony Hopkins
William Blore - Gerard Butler
Emily Brent - Helen Mirren (for me, this was the hardest to cast. But if anyone can play sweet one moment and intense the next, it's her!)
Vera Claythorne - Emma Watson (a bit young, yes, but she can definitely pull off that "schoolmistressy" look described in the novel)
Philip Lombard - Daniel Craig
General Macarthur - Sir Sean Connery
Anthony Marston - Alexander Skarsgard
Ethel Rogers - Tilda Swinton
Thomas Rogers - Benedict Cumberbatch
Judge Wargrave - Sir Ian McKellen
Fred Naracott - Harrison Ford (a bit part but if you've seen the new "Star Wars" movie you know he can play a grizzled boatman just fine)
Isaac Morris - Alan Cumming (need someone to play smarmy and slimy? Look no further)
A.C. Sir Thomas Legge - Jonny Rees (stage name: Greg Ellis, He definitely has that authoritative look)
Inspector Maine - Peter Windhofer (also has that no-nonsense commanding look)
Finally, I would go with the novel's ending -- it would give audiences a jolt if they're used to the previous film versions (not counting the Russian version, of course)
Thanks for reading. So....what are your choices?
Hello, CT148! No, this is purely conjecture. After reading that Kenneth Branagh was going to direct and star in "Murder on the Orient Express." I wanted to submit my dream cast for "And Then There Were None." Oh, I'm sure it will happen one day but won't be anytime soon due to the recent BBC adaptation.
Judge Wargrave Stephen Berkhoff
Vera Claythorne Danielle Denby-Ashe
Dr Armstrong Peter Egan
Emily Brent Gwen Taylor
General MacArthur Sam West
Blore Jack Ellis
Marston Kris Marshall
Lombard Toby Stephens
Rogers Ian Lavender
Mrs Rodgers Lil Roughley
Fred Narracott Tim Wylton
Sir Thomas Legge Mark Gattis
Inspector Maine David Suchet
The Voice on The Recording Tom Baker.
I would have SPOILER ALERT The Rogers Alledged Victim played by Gemma Jones.