Plot Idea

So I've come up when the a few ideas for a mystery novel.Dont judge I'm only an 11 year old reading prodigy.So my first plot involves mysterious deaths happening around India seemed to have been caused by Cobras but as the murders become more frequent a dark plot is revealed.Another plot is an artifact is found in ancient Egypt carrying a curse.Many don't believe but as members of the team start dying panic sets in the world starts to believe in the curse but a unexpected clue arises leading to a more startling find.Okay last one a software billionaire is found murdered in his million dollar mansion the odd thing is the man wasn't supposed to be their in fact he was spotted in another country.Questions arise a manhunt insues but is this a case of mistaken identity or a bigger plot all together?I know these might have been bad so please voice your opinion in the comments.Ps don't worry for some of you out there I'm not planning on being a writer

Albeit, till the end I was excited in an amazing fashion.
But once I read the letter by Justice Wargrave, I was quite disappointed by such an abrupt ending.
I think it could have been so that all of the ten people murdered another amongst them and lastly Vera commits suicide out of remorse for killing a child.
One person killing all seemed absurd.
Also the absence of Poirot in this particular novel was a disappointment.
He should have been there to sum it all up and show us the catch.
1) Mr. Roger was slit in his head by a cleaver sort of thing and there is no mention of how it could have been possible for Wargrave to do that and yet appear (instantly) before all without a drop of blood on his clothes. Quite impossible, indeed.
2) The condition of the corpse of Mr. Roger must have had been immensely gruesome. There is no mention as to how his body was transferred to his room.
3) There is not even a single trace of cleaning the site of murders, which must have been smeared with blood and, after that, swarmed up with flies.
4) Lastly there is also no description of the staunch ghastly smell of the decomposing bodies. They all arrived on Aug 8. Marston was killed that very night and Vera committed suicide on Aug 13.
I am really waiting for the comments.