Hello everybody!
Another day, another email from the Mystery Man! Here are the clues:
Figure out the clues, and look for the right discussion thread! Remember, please don't post on that thread, but keep contributing to other threads. Good luck! Please, talk about Christie on the discussion boards, but no spoilers!
Another day, another email from the Mystery Man! Here are the clues:
1) Our beloved detective has a cousin with a stutter!
2) That’s not a real clergyman!
3) Inspired by Brown’s?Figure out the clues, and look for the right discussion thread! Remember, please don't post on that thread, but keep contributing to other threads. Good luck! Please, talk about Christie on the discussion boards, but no spoilers!
GKCfan, I believe the story in question is a short story that makes specific reference to the most famous character created by the author you are a fan of. Am I right? I searched for the story title on this website but that search produced no results, so I have searched through every thread that mentions the title of the book it comes from but still nothing. Suggestions?
I'm not supposed to give too many specific hints myself, but it would be great if other players could contribute hints!
Remember, a little creative Googling can help a lot!
the easiest clue i could give you is to google for brown's connection with AC's work. you'll get the name of the book easily. or another clue would be that the detective belongs to small town. hope you guys find the soldier.