Tommy and Tuppence

I have tried, several times, to read a Tommy and Tuppence book and quite frankly, I couldn't get past the first few pages, I have never finished a book. I love AC, am I missing something? Should I continue reading, do they get better? Which would you recommend for me to read?
They are the only ones of the Beresfords, Poirot and Miss Marple who age, I love the way they come upon heir Adventures In the Novels, They are Whimsical, Fun and I am sorry you don't like them, Yes,By The Pricking Of My Thumb is gloomy but they are separated by circumstance and Tommy is worried About Tuppence,
I think a lot of the books Agatha Christie Wrote wouldn't be read by people if Agatha Christie hadn't written them, I can think of a few Poirit's and Miss Marple books I wouldn't bother with if they weren't written by her. The Bundle Books do have a Beresford feel about them and Why Didn't They Ask Evans and IMHO to some extent The Clocks, I think you obviously think the Mr Quin Books are of a better standard or you wouldn't have called yourself Miss Quinn, I personally find them Dull with the occasional good bit, each to their own.
If you are sick of reading Poirot or Miss Marple and looking for something with a different flavour then T&T can definitely deliver that.
glalonzo0408Tommy_A_Jones. Watson tells us in "A Study in Scarlett" that he received his MD in 1878. If we assumed Watson was 25 when he got his MD, we can guess he was born around 1853.
In "His Last Bow", Holmes is given as sixty. As this took place on the eve of the First World War, that places his birth around 1854.
So Holmes and Watson were around the same age.
I agree, I love the T&T Books.