N or M?

I am the fan of Agatha Christie in Taiwan. I read the novel N or M? recently, but something confuses me. The following are my questions:
Are Anthony Marston and Tony marston the same person? If your answer is yes, why Agatha Christie did not just write Anthony Marston or just write Tony marston in this story?

I am the fan of Agatha Christie in Taiwan. I read the novel N or M? recently, but something confuses me. The following are my questions:
Are Anthony Marston and Tony marston the same person? If your answer is yes, why Agatha Christie did not just write Anthony Marston or just write Tony marston in this story?
I am not exactly sure, not remembering much about the novel, but authors do often vary the way they write a name in order to avoid repetition. Tony is short for Anthony. Repetition is supposed to be bad stylistically. If you write, for instance, 'horse' in one paragraph, you are supposed to find another synonym to make the paragraph less boring. You'd write 'the beast', or 'the steed'. Agatha Christie might write 'the detective' 'M. Poirot,' 'Poirot',' Hercule Poirot'. 'the little Belgian' at different points in the same chapter purely to make the prose more enjoyable to read.