Raymond and Wife

Does anyone dislike The West's as much as me, I am re-reading The 13 Problems and from the start of The Tuesday Club it is obvious to me that he has one thing on his mind, that is to one day get possession of his Aunt's Cottage which he loves so much as it would obviously be a great bolt hole to escape to and write, he doesn't have Miss Marple's well-being in mind just the thought that if he utters her up and pays for her to go away he will inherit and his wife is the same they deserve each other, Joyce?Joan is as obnoxious as he is, no wonder he employed the Patronizing Miss Knight to look after her, luckily Miss Marple knows what Raymond is like, hopefully she leaves him just a Token amount of money realising he doesn't need much, I hope she leaves the House to Cherry and large amounts of money to Bunch and Dermot.
I realise that I've picked up quite a bit of knowledge about English social history. Going back to the 1930s and 40s, I don't think properties in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, were worth a lot; not, relatively, a big asset or investment as they are today. (Being left a capital sum, well-invested, would be a big deal, and earn you useful income - note Flora in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd with her £20,000, and Theresa in Dumb Witness with a similar sum) But village houses in Miss Marple's time were probably the equivalent of, say, a primitive holiday cottage in a very rural French village in the middle of nowhere today: it would not be immensely valuable.This is probably why so many characters in Christie novels and those of her contemporaries don't bother to buy (isn't that the case in Elephants Can Remember, and certainly I think for Tommy and Tuppence in Postern of Fate. They rent late in life, as well as when young. They have no prospect of gaining a big increase on their investment).
Certainly, some things were cheaper to afford in the middle years of the twentieth century: wages for servants being a case in point. There was a ready supply of cheap labour, especially female labour, although, more options were opening up for the working classes, eg, shop work, and they could hold out for more, as Lionel's serving girl is doing in Murder at the Vicarage. One journalist here in London recently wrote a newspaper article based on her mother's pocket book of her expenditure. In the 1960s, her mother bought a pair of shoes which cost half the total of her monthly wage from a part-time job; probably the equivalent of the shoes costing about £220 today: and this was just an ordinary, servicable pair. So some things were costly, but others not relative to today's prices. I think that most couples could in the 1950s, 60s and 70s get married and, in their twenties, buy a property with an affordable mortgage. They can't normally do that in today's Britain. It is since the 1990s, I think, that house prices in Britain have risen massively, so that to inherit a house would be a big deal.