Mozart Piece in Body In The Library

Tommy_A_JonesTommy_A_Jones Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
At The End of the Joan Hickson version of Body In The Library a Piece of Music is mentioned, what is it and is it mentioned in the Book or just the Adaptation? I want to Request it on R3.


  • I just checked the movie and the book - it is Susanna's song from "The Marriage of Figaro". It doesn't appear in the book - The whole ending is different: In the book, the final, explanatory scene takes place in the hotel with the three police officers and Conway, with Adelaide and her new partner joining in - in the movie, it takes place in the Bantrys' home, with the Bantrys and the police officers,  
  • Tommy_A_JonesTommy_A_Jones Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
    Thankyou Tali
  • Tommy_A_Jones  It is Deh vieni, non tardar here is the link, the tune Marple hums begins at 1.20  -
  • Tommy_A_JonesTommy_A_Jones Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
    Thankyou Luke.
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