Day Four

Are you having fun?  I know I am!


Here’s the fourth picture:

Is it familiar to you?


Today’s clue is: The titular story in this collection features a thief.  What is the last name of that thief?


Hmmm… looks like the fourth juror has had a little brush with the law in the past!  I wonder if that affected the verdict?


Best of luck to you!


  • misstulipmisstulip Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
    This is the first one I've struggled with. Any clues?
  • GKCfanGKCfan Wisconsin, United States
    Well... it's not one of the traditional collections.  Think about that, and where such a special collection might be mentioned.
  • this one took me almost an hour to find. my hint is: it is so special that it is to be found where all special announces appear.
  • misstulipmisstulip Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
    Okay I'm still baffled. I got the others in a matter of minutes. I think it's a very "current" collection perhaps paralleling an upcoming event. But I don't see the picture! So I have to be off track. Ugh. 
  • GKCfanGKCfan Wisconsin, United States
    Let me know if there's any news regarding your search results, please.
  • misstulip said:
    Okay I'm still baffled. I got the others in a matter of minutes. I think it's a very "current" collection perhaps paralleling an upcoming event. But I don't see the picture! So I have to be off track. Ugh. 
    well, it is the opposite. :) it is not current at all, that's why it is a bit harder to find. it was published a good while ago. but luckily, you don't even have to open every article, as it is placed very obviously.
  • misstulipmisstulip Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
    Got it. Thanks for the direction. I was on the right track just not for long enough. :)
  • I just joined this game last night. I have an idea, but I can't find the picture anywhere. Is it very hard to find? 
  • GKCfanGKCfan Wisconsin, United States
    Sometimes you have to use trial and error, and explore the site– it's in plain view, but you may have to explore areas of the website you may not check regularly.  Here's a clue:

    The anniversary of the death of Roman Emperor Septimius Severus.

    The anniversary of the death of Roman Emperor Septimius Severus.
  • Found the picture, after using my little grey cells!
  • GKCfanGKCfan Wisconsin, United States
    Congratulations!  Well done!
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