How to Submit Your Answer!

Well, by now, you should have gathered the names of the twelve jurors, and followed the clues to figure out the identity of the defendant in the case! Have you got that? Capital!
Now, you need to submit your answer. Here’s what you need to do. Watch the videos on the making of The Witness for the Prosecution here: Then, use what you’ve learned to answer the following questions.
1) Toby Jones says that you “absorb Agatha Christie like you absorb” who?
2) Monica Dolan says that she was once “a bit obsessed” with one of Christie’s novels. What is the proper noun in the title of that book?
3) Kim Cattrall says that she once participated in a workshop for the play version of Witness for the Prosecution in which city?
Let’s suppose that the answer to #1 is “Dickens” (it’s not), the answer to #2 is “Mesopotamia” from “Murder in Mesopotamia” (it’s not), and the answer to #3 is “Los Angeles” (it’s not) If the city in question has more than one word (maybe it does, maybe it doesn't), include all the words in the city's name. You would string your answers together– all lowercase, no spaces, into dickensmesopotamialosangeles. That gives you the secret email address where you have to send your answer– dickensmesopotamialosangeles –at– Send your answers to the correct email address.
Once you’ve figured out the name of the secret email address, you need to send an email to that address with the following information. Put “TWFTP GAME” in the subject line. Then include:
1. The name of the mystery defendant.
2. Your name.
3. Your user name on the discussion boards.
That’s how you’ll submit your answer!
If you have any questions, please post them on this thread. Good luck!