Poor T&T The recent films can't seem to get it right

In the Marple series, they made Tuppence into a lush. In the 2015 Partners in Crime series they made Tommy into a boob.
Poor T&T.
I will have to watch the French film (Mon petit doigt m'a dit) and see if they fared any better !
Poor T&T.
I will have to watch the French film (Mon petit doigt m'a dit) and see if they fared any better !
This is what Walliams said of Tommy and how he relates to Tuppence:
"Tuppence is definitely more forthright. She’s braver than Tommy, he’s more on the back-foot, but he means well.
"Tommy is a bit more of a klutz than Tuppence and is sometimes more of a burden.
This is NOT the Tommy that Christie wrote.I'll end this post from an article that beautifully summarizes in a nutshell everything that I described:
With the Tuppence Beresford, however, Christie wrote a strong female character who still managed to have fun. Tommy was occasionally surprised by Tuppence’s inventiveness and quick mind but he was never her hapless stooge. In the Beresford novels, Christie gave readers a strong fun-loving relationship where a woman doesn’t need to be shrill and bossy to be strong, and a man doesn’t have to be useless and idiotic to love her. Instead of embracing this dynamic, however, Partners in Crime adds a tired 21st Century cynicism to the Beresfords’ relationship and removes all the fun in the process.