Favorite and Least Favorite Poirot Novels

My favorite Poirot of all time is Five Little Pigs but I also adore After the Funeral,Murder on the Orient Express,Mrs McGinty's Dead,and Death on the Nile.
My least favorite is the Big Four but others are Hickory,Dickory,Dock,Third Girl, and Cat Among the Pigeons.I'm about to read Elephants Can Remember and I hear it's quite awful so I might add it.Also I'll be reading Third Girl again so my opinion might change.
My least favorite is the Big Four but others are Hickory,Dickory,Dock,Third Girl, and Cat Among the Pigeons.I'm about to read Elephants Can Remember and I hear it's quite awful so I might add it.Also I'll be reading Third Girl again so my opinion might change.