Death on the Nile Release Date!

It looks like Kenneth Branagh's Death on the Nile will be out Nov. 8, 2019!
The big question I had in the Ustinov version was how did the killer get the snake to put in Poirot's cabin? The boat didn't stop on the way back north, did it? Would the guilty party have had to have bought it ahead of time? Did the killer keep it in a cabin, feeding it for a couple of days just in case it was needed?
Sherlock Holmes movies are modern.
It's now time that Monsieur Hercule Poirot becomes a strong super hero character with action packed scenes beating up the bad guys with his cane and smash his numerous amounts of magnifying glasses on the suspects to make them squirm in their seats whilst he's trying to make them confess.
The little wimpy portrayal of a legendary HERCULES solving little old lady MURDERS has got to halt. And now let's board the orient express and go further into an entire dimension.
What all of you lack is imagination! All of you old dusty book worms are crawling all over Agatha Christie's ancient texts and in turn cannot come up with anything original as she did.
I have been creatively re-imaging what an Agatha Christie mystery movie ought to look like for some time now. And I could come up with s superb modern and totally suspenseful screenplay.
"Death Comes As The End" screenplay for "Death on the Nile."
[Really? Tommy_A_Jones
@Tommy_A_Jones Really? An insult?
Comment dismissed. I'm not interested in Sherlock Holmes: never have I ever been, either. It's too boring to me alongside with being too scientific and unimaginative. That's why I like Poirot. Don't go about assuming so much.]
"Why all the little details?" asked Poirot.
Why can't Hercule Poirot be in a thousand other places solving cases all the time simultaneously as in perhaps assisting an archaeologist, Dr. Sieczynski, discover the precise location of a group of ancient hieroglyphs. The key symbol being that it would unravel a murder that happened so long ago...
"It happened in 2000 B.C. or so... The youngest daughter of the Egyptian priest must have been in here." Dr. Sieczynski recounted to the detective, "I'm almost certain that she was in this temple..."
"She could have left a 'clue,' is what you mean to tell me, docteur?"
"Yes, that! What her clue wrote..." Dr. Sieczynski paused for a moment, "...would be essential to solve this little mystery."
The doctor stared at the little detective hovering over a corner of that dusty old temple.
After he saw what he had just discovered, Hercule Poirot handed Dr. Sieczynski a magnifying glass.
"Alas! Voila. It's here, mon ami. Look for yourself."
"Are you sure this is it, monsieur Poirot?"
"But, of course!"
Sieczynski looked at that tiny hieroglyph with Poirot's magnifying glass.
Somehow Poirot seemed very perplexed; and whatever that strange hieroglyph depicted had bothered the detective. Somehow so long ago, something had gone gravely amiss...
Somewhere in a temple, the great mind of Agatha Christie was writing all the time...
If there are no exciting storylines or new super plots, then the only people that will be interested in watching POIROT on their black and white television set will be the little pink and white fluffy old ladies like Miss Marple and Mrs. McGillicuddy who will have died before our dear Poirot finished his resolution.
"Is it over?" asked Mrs. McGillicuddy.
Miss Marple switched off the set.
"Oh, yes, dear," said Miss Marple.
"I was almost sure," Mrs. McGillicuddy said, "that old pompous French toad with the moustaches was gonna croak."
"Oh, dear," Miss Marple went on, "what a vain little frog! He most certainly is!"
[CopyCat vs. CopyCat.]
"Get that that murder card off the table!"
"Is that a bluff? Is it? Jackie... Look at me!"
"Now you look here, Tommy- err- I mean Simon!"
"What?! Who's Tommy?"
"No... I meant you, Simon... I meant you..."
"I've done all this for you... And you just had to ruin it all... You don't care a Tuppence about me! Do you? Go to bed, Jackie!"
"No, I'll kill you first!"
Bang. Bang.
Simon was Tommy.
Jackie was Tuppence.
All over and over again, Agatha Christie had the same motif going on and it was wonderfully superfluous and it needs to expand at an even grander scale. It would be a marvelous detective cartoon series but children aren't interested in just dialogue; they urge action and super hero space stuff. "Don't you agree, Captain Hastings?" asked Colonel Race, nudging me in the shoulder.
"Uh, oh, yeah," I said, "about the children and all. Great stuff, I daresay. Well, it's too bad that Hercule Poirot never told me much about his adventures in Egypt."
"I was there with him!" Colonel Race said.
"Well, I say! I'm all ears, colonel."
I listened. I opened my mind. I don't know why but I could not help myself stop thinking about the little gray cells. They were moving faster and faster.