Little Talisman

I'm making the little detective buddy figurines into a board game.
Ten Little Clues or something like that.
Ten little characters move on a board game with syringes or daggers or maybe revolvers and some of them will have to fight each other because grabbing the most clues is part of winning the game.
Ten Little Clues or something like that.
Ten little characters move on a board game with syringes or daggers or maybe revolvers and some of them will have to fight each other because grabbing the most clues is part of winning the game.
In the Jungle of the Nile, where all the detectives:
[Poirot, Marple, Tommy, and Parker (just to name a few)]
of the Agatha Christie Universe each individually stumble upon a unique vessel (that looks like a nautilus sea shell) and inside a mystery creature talisman comes to life. The detectives thus make the creatures their little mascots.
These are the little creatures that aide each one of the famed detectives across the sands of the desert to uncover the hidden clues, that are all scattered about the Temple of Styles; clues that lead the detectives to the discovery of a body...
The race is on.
Whose little mascot is the cleverest sleuth of them all?
Is it Tommy's little slug like creature called TUPPENCE?
Is it going to be Miss Marple's little cuttlefish mascot, McGillicuddy?
Or will it be that Oliver, Mr. Parker Pyne's pet snake, will be the first to discover the body?
Or perhaps Poirot's little lobster buddy, Colonel Race, will be the first to solve the mystery...?
(anybody interested so far?)
There were ten little grey cells playing on the space mansion game board.
Ten little grey cells will have seen a marvelous sign; one thought it was time (to go) and then there will have been nine...
Nine little grey cells will have thought about their fate; one let its little self through a mystical gate, and then there will have been eight...
Eight little grey cells will have traveled to heaven; one believed its little self to be leaven, and then there will have been seven...
Seven little grey cells will have gotten a quick fix; one could not have handled the mix, and then there will have been six...
Six little grey cells will have taken a great space dive; a giant space whale swallowed one alive, and then there will have been five...
Five little grey cells will have gone to a nuclear core; one got in an elevator door, and then there will have been four...
Four little grey cells will have been swinging on a tree; one set its little self free, and then there will have been three...
Three little grey cells will have stumbled upon a clue; mislead one got trapped in glue, and then there will have been two...
Two little grey cells will have thought the game was done; one thought itself to have won, and then there will have been one...
One little grey cell will have thought that the game was too much fun; that it stood too close to the sun, and then there will have been none...
Ten little grey cells were all trapped inside a space mansion game board. All was silent. Then suddenly, a gun shot through the silence was echoing up and down the halls of the space mansion...
The Mysterious Temple of Styles
The Gazebo of Nemesis
The Palace of St. Mary Mead
The Isle of Enderby Castle
The Mystical Tree at Cypress
The Secret Passage to Chimneys
The Gossington Spider's Web
The Cables Crooked Apothecary
The White Ghost Mansion
The Shaitana Casino
(Any others, somebody'd like to add?)