Evil under the Sun

Bodies, all lying down like that in a butcher's shop, similar bodies under the sun. One day a body found lying down, dead!. No one believed( reader's perspective) in the superstitious witch-craft, but the child Linda Marshall and the clergyman. Could that be "the cause". Could it be Rosamund Darnley, Kenneth's long ago sweet-heart, or Kenneth himself. The little jig saw puzzle, with scissors, candle blob, burnt-cardboard,
all put in their right places by Poirot's little gray cells.
Mr. Gardener will tell you, this was indeed one of the best AC's novel.
all put in their right places by Poirot's little gray cells.
Mr. Gardener will tell you, this was indeed one of the best AC's novel.

I have just Finished reading the Book today, I finished it at about 2.50 PM and it is now 4.00 PM I loved re-reading it and plan to watch both Adaptations, I don't know if this is allowed and sorry if it isn't but I was wondering how The Suchet Version SPOILER ALERT!!!! came up with the idea of Making Blatt a Drug Smuggler that The Major was after, I found that ingenious and I also like the fact 2 Characters who could have been Chased and Chaser were just 2 Characters who helped give the Book Character.