Who according to you should have been the murderer apart from the original culprit?
There were 10 people invited by a mysterious UN OWEN in an isolated island. And then one by one each of them were being murdered....who was killing them?
Emily Brent. She was so self righteous and convinced of her own piety.
I felt she could kill people who she felt fell below her standard of righteousness.
The doc seemed pretty suspicious too.
But, somebody besides the true culprit...VERA!
The b**h let a kid drown. Because she wanted to. I EXPECT NO LESS OF HER.
But really now, it would had been pretty funny if the butler would had been the culprit XD
I imagine Mr. Blore as being the culprit. He was a police inspector with the skills and resources to do background checks on everyone at the dinner party. He originally lied about his identity to all the guests as being Mr. Davis, but ousted himself after the record was played with the voice. Perhaps this was to throw the others off his scent and to keep them guessing.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Was Lombard the First Victim, It would have been great if the first Victim had done it or the 1st Victim with the assistanceof \Mrs Rogers who was under his spell as she loved him and would do anything he said
I recently re-read this wonderful book (or rather listened to it on CD) and I thought along these very lines as I did so. I, of course, knew who the murderer was, but I tried to read it 'fresh,' to see who else Dame Christie might lead me to believe was the culprit. I have to agree with so many of you ... Emily Brent. The theme of meting out justice is apparent, and, yes, the judge becomes an obvious suspect. But Emily Brent is arguably more judgmental than the judge, himself. And, yes, I could see her following through with a plan of this kind in pursuit of doing justice in aid of the Lord. The judge did it in pursuit of aiding the law where the law fell short. Very similar motives, very similar characters.
Also she was so unflinchingly unafraid. Walking down the beach in the early morning hours, sitting alone in drawing rooms. The others were right to suspect her until she was done in. And the funny thing is - in terms of 'fake death,' the method employed to kill her would be far easier to use as a ploy. The hypodermic needle. She could have injected herself with a drug that lends the appearance of death but in reality only slows the heart and puts the individual to sleep. She would be carried to her room and 'wake up,' several hours later. She might not even have to entreat the doctor or anyone else to go in cahoots with her. She could simply hide the syringe before she passes out. She could even hide it on her person. It seems sordid and unlikely anyone (including the doctor) would search her.
Another thing I found interesting: You remember in the epilogue, the judge justifies the off-island murder of Isaac Morris, the nepharious solicitor who dealt in the drug trade by stating that a 21 year old daughter of friends of his got hooked on drugs that he trafficked and then took her own life? I was thinking - if that were Miss Brent's friends' daughter she would have blamed her for the underlying addiction and then considered the suicide a double sin. Think back to how she treated Beatrice Taylor. For some reason, I could see Isaac Morris being the last person Emily Brant would hold responsible.