The Monogram Murders - New Poirot Mystery

The title has been announced for the new Poirot mystery being published worldwide in September 2014.
Written by best-selling author Sophie Hannah, The Monogram Murders will be the first Poirot novel in 39 years, published across the world in over 28 languages and 50 territories.
"Hercule Poirot's quiet supper in a London coffee house is interrupted when a young woman confides to him that she is about to be murdered. She is terrified, but begs Poirot not to find and punish her killer. Once she is dead, she insists, justice will have been done."
Leave your thoughts, comments and questions here.
Do we know when exactly the story takes place? I guess we are all hoping to meet Poirot, Miss Lemon, Hastings and Japp one more time - well, in no time at all we will know.
Many Thanks!
Like the ABC Murders - only this time it's the victim contacting Poirot, not the killer. Unless, of course...
The Writer should be doing a book with a Character Agatha Christie didn't kill off but the fact that they are resurrecting Poirot shows that eiher they don't have faith in Christie's work or they are using Poirot as a Cash Cow.
"The Monogram Murders will be told from the perspective of a new character - a policeman - who knows Poirot and asks for his involvement in the case."-read more here:
Waiting to see what you think of it... (my library doesn't carry it - not much of an English section)
If I did understand you correctly... then you'd like her to do that? Well, I might not mind that, provided the author was an exceptionally good writer, who either really made you feel like you were reading AC, or was just so good you simply didn't care - on condition of course that it was a character I'd wish to see in another novel. Some are so obnoxious! Which might be a good idea for a thread - AC characters I couldn't stand (if there isn't one already).
Sorry Shifra that was my faul for not making myself more clearer, what I meant was if the book is well received she might write one with Battle as the main Detective or Inspector Narracott (The Sittaford Mystery or Miss Marple or Tommy and Tuppence or any Detectve which she didn't kill off which I would like as that is my Gripe wit using Poirot she killed him not only that the reason was she didn't want anyone else to write for him, would be over the moon to read another Book with Battle or Lady Derwent and Bobby or Bundle Brent but not a Character she killed of so not Poirot and Not Mr Quin (Who I don't like anyway.
I think your idea of abnoxious Characters is a Great one and I don't think there s one at the moment, I would put Miss Knight top followed along way down by erybody in Endless Night and Passenger To Frankfurt and Death Comes As The End and apart from Race who I like in Death On The Nile everybody in Sparkling Cyanide and then Roddy Welman and then the Victim in Sad Cyprus and Then Mr Quin and Mr Satterthwaitte