A bit about you
Being a person with a deep interest in people, I have decided to create this discussion so that people could say a bit about themselves, just to give a bit of background to who they are as I like to know a bit about people. It does not have to be long and can be what interests you (other than Agatha Christie of course) it could even be just simply saying what your job is, it does not even have to be personal. Anything!!!
For example a bit about myself, I am a UKIP (UK Independence party) supporter. I think we should pull out of Europe as we give £42 million a day to them. (Not an exaggeration) I also like cycling. In fact one of my jobs is a bike mechanic. My other job is a minister of a church. As I am a Christian and I think that evolution is the biggest joke this century. To find out why copy this into your URL to watch this lecture by Dr. Hovind. .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8DDIe_2cHM
I also like debates. I was on the radio once debating someone
Well that is enough about me. What about you?
I am a Detective Fiction Fan, a Wodehouse Fan and a Mark Wallingon Fan, I like Quizzes and Puzzles, I had an Idea for a puzzle published once, I try not to vote fir one of the Three man British Parties when I can help it but always vote, In the local Elections I last voted for a party which like me wants England to have their own Party but if Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland didn't I wouldn't be bothered, what's good for the goose and all that, I love the Theatre, my favourite Playwrite is Alan Ayckbourne, I also like Niel Simon, Oscar Wilde, Noel Coward and the Writer of Stepping Out and Outside Edge, I also love Mozart, Vivaldi and Jazz and Gilbert and Sullivan.
My mom got me interested in A.C. when I was in my teens and we would read her books together. Right now, I'm a care giver for my mom who has Alzheimer's. I hope to have a career in art someday. I love vintage "stuff". I Love to watch old movies, I love art, cats...among many other things.
I live in Canada and am a huge mystery lover! Thanks of course to the great Agatha Christie.
I believe that we should all try and be good to each other and our environment, regardless of our faith or politics.
I work in health care and love it.
My username says something personal about me however I will leave that to you mystery lovers to figure out
I'm Teddy from Bulgaria. 30 years old. I've been reading Agatha's books since 1997. My first (and favorite) book was "Murder on the Links" . Definitely prefer Poirot to Miss Marple. Apart from Agatha I read Earl Stanley Gardner and italian authors (I speak Italian, too)