Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Can anyone suggest a Book I could read and use to teach myself Bridge Please?
Anyone can watch a YouTube video on a "how to" but there is nothing like having your hands actually in wallpaper paste when you want to learn how to wallpaper in 1 evening for around $12. In your case, it would be handling the playing cards in a group with other learners.
Good luck on your quest!
My personal favorite is Carol Galbraith's Quick Reference Bridge Basics Outline. Once you learn the basic rules, Galbraith's book is an invaluable guide for beginners because it gives solid, easily accessible advice for how to bid your hand (by far, the most complex part of the game). Even for more advanced players, it has notes on some rarer types of hands that will enable you to bid perfectly in those tricky situations. If you are interested in this book, you would probably have to order it from this website: www,