David Walliams and Jessica Raine as Tommy and Tuppence

With a new Tommy and Tuppence series airing later this year,
I thought I’d gauge opinions on the casting of David Walliams and Jessica Raine
as the eponymous pair.
While the pair are both great actors and I absolutely can
not wait for Partner’s In Crime to air, I can’t quite visualise them as ‘The
Secret Adversary’ era Tommy and Tuppence (who were, after all, in their early
20s - compared to Raine’s early 30s, and Walliams’ early 40s).
So, what to you think of the casting? And who would you cast as a younger Tommy and Tuppence?
On the other hand, I'm not at all convinced Jessica has the charm to pull of Tuppence as she deserves.
I am horrified by the idea of David Walliams as Tommy. Admittedly I haven't seen very much of him and it's encouraging to read that he really loves the books but I've always found him unwatchable. Tommy is funny but he's not a slapstick character. He has a lot of depth and warmth and more intelligence than he thinks. I agree Walliams looks too old to be Tuppence's childhood friend but that might not matter if he can bring Tommy's charm to the screen. I'm just not expecting him to be able to do that. But when my expectations are low, I am often pleasantly surprised.
I think Jessica Raine looks good in the Press photographs as she looks as though she has spirit. I was slightly concerned at first as I've seen her in a few films/TV series and she always seemed to play quiet, unassuming characters. But her characters are all different so she probably has the talent to be feisty and funny too. Her performance in the dire Wolf Hall certainly wasn't meek and mild, though it wasn't very Tuppencelike either.
That's very reassuring about David Walliams.
Jemima Rooper would have been an excellent Tuppence. Apart from Third Girl, I've hated everything I've seen her in but she still left me with the impression that she was an incredible actress. Maybe she'll play the role in a theatre production or something.
Have just received Newsletter about Partners in Crime, with an illustration showing David Walliams and Jessica Raine with a Morris Minor 1000 in the background. As The Secret Adversary was set in about 1920, and N or M during the second world war, it seems incongruous that a car should be featured which was introduced around 1960.
Have the script writers rewritten Agatha's books, as per usual, and reset them in some other era, or are they just uninterested in period accuracy. (Maybe they've got a mobile phone about them too).