Shock Value in Television adaptions or honesty ?

A friend of mine recently commented on the ( very obvious) gay and lesbian characters in the Marple television adaptions.(The body in the library.The moving finger)
He feels that this was another attempt by producers to be more P.C. and appeal to modern viewers or a bit of shock value.
i pointed out that in the books there are some hints at a characters' sexuality.
Can anyone name any characters that they feel were Gay or Lesbian ?
Did Agatha Christie (In your opinion) draw a pretty good all 'round representation of the people of Britain in her books,given the restraints of the times ?
Does it really matter ? (As regards to the stories)
The only case I remember where LGBT orientation is directly mentioned is at the beginning of "A Caribbean holiday" Where MM's nephew Raymond finds her a house sitter, who will be very careful of the house. "He's queer" is actually a kind of recommendation, homosexual men being considered the best house-carers.
Or it's possible that the two were lesbians. I don't think A.C. was ignorant of homosexuality and of course it existed even in the 1950's. It's possible that A.C.'s intention was to have 2 lesbian characters in the book but put them in a way in which it won't seem so obvious ---in other words she used it subtly, enough so that she could get away with it.
I also lije Peril at End House. and I think the tv adaption is very well done.
And great performances! I wil never forget Poirot/Suchet's face when he solves the crime. The moment he realizes who the murderer is! It's amazing!
You'll enjoy a lot (one more time)!