The first murder - Henry Birtwistle

One down, seven to go?
Who do you think bumped off Henry Birtwistle? Who will be next? When will the Gazette reporters learn to spell? Discuss all your theories here.
Who do you think bumped off Henry Birtwistle? Who will be next? When will the Gazette reporters learn to spell? Discuss all your theories here.
Problem is the spelling can denote a pun, a clue or just plain illiteracy. I thought "grizzly" was a pun and possibly a clue, until I got to "whos". Then I wanted to sack the reporter and the proof reader.
Am wondering where the photo of the body was taken, looks as if it could be a landing on a hotel staircase. Whoever did it also had access to a stretcher ...
I also wonder if the actual body will be found or whether this advert on e-bay is our only clue.
I also believe that the murders will be connected (not just a punishment from one person to those who committed separate crimes, as in one famous novel of Christie's). So, maybe the contribution of Henry to the local architecture was used to build something, which later led to the death of another person. And now, the murderer wants to take revenge for the death of that person, maybe a close one to him/her in the past. And Henry was one of those who led to that death.
I think with the new visions it will be found. They said when the visions become clearer, they would lead to the secret link.
I have found the link.
It was more good luck than cleverness on my part though so I won't give any clues just yet or it will spoil the fun of figuring out Mystic Margot's visions.
Thanks GKCfan and femacca. As I said, I only found the link by chance. So although I could give a clue as to its whereabouts, I still can't figure out how the visions lead there, if you see what I mean. That's why I don't want to say anything further. You'll probably make the connection before I do!
Oh my goodness! I have just figured out what the wedding dress means! Upon my word, it's a ....
Go back and read my first post on this thread! Both the visions make sense to me now.
You're meant to find something secret to click on in the website; for each murder I believe there will be 3 visions given and we have to use them as a clue to find the secret link to click on.