

  • MariaMaria Pichincha, Ecuador
    Maria said:
    Now we had a murder, Ted Andreson... electric shock?

    And I just had a deja vu, when reading this comment. Too bad my clairvoyance powers do not work for the game. I usually can guess things if I set my mind properly, but for the game I think too much and do not set it correctly. :D
    Now, seriously - I admire those who guess the next victim correctly. So far none of my guesses were right. I hope those who manage to guess have an overall idea about the Mystery Man and their motive. :)
    At least for me, it is a bit of a hunch. In a way I'm trying to figure it out just like Poirot does: adding up the pieces of the puzzle... Hope my little gray cells are at least half as keen as his...
  • MariaMaria Pichincha, Ecuador
    Well, now I'm surprised... It wasn't the nurse, but Roberta... Hmmm... Now I'm a bit concerned about her last name: Greatrex... Makes me think a bit about "great actress"? Look at the first vision, it tells me her word means nothing, which might mean she's a great actress... Is that a way to link her with our artist?
  • LL88LL88 Sofiya, Bulgaria
    Maria said:
    Well, now I'm surprised... It wasn't the nurse, but Roberta... Hmmm... Now I'm a bit concerned about her last name: Greatrex... Makes me think a bit about "great actress"? Look at the first vision, it tells me her word means nothing, which might mean she's a great actress... Is that a way to link her with our artist?

    Now you made me think about new things. :D Nice theory, definately needs to be in mind.
    I do not want to tell firmly who would be the next, but I want to bet on something else - I bet that the hotelier will be found dead in an arson, nevertheless when it happens. I have one theory and let's see if it will happen this way.
  • LL88LL88 Sofiya, Bulgaria
    Today, I have a new idea about the hotelier. Maybe he is doing tax evasion. Someone who knows very well how to hide himself and try to escape troubles... But still, I think he is going to die in arson or is going to be found dead from several days somewhere in the nature.
  • MariaMaria Pichincha, Ecuador
    Today, I have a new idea about the hotelier. Maybe he is doing tax evasion. Someone who knows very well how to hide himself and try to escape troubles... But still, I think he is going to die in arson or is going to be found dead from several days somewhere in the nature.
    Good guess! Great guess actually... and now we have confirmation that the police has all 5 previously deceased corpses... Hmmm... So we have our darling nurse and the Mystic... 
  • LL88LL88 Sofiya, Bulgaria
    OK, guys, you do realize that all of them are going to die because of the Mystery Man, right? I personally do not believe that the last one standing will be the Mystery Man. Seriously - what, she (currently, only two ladies are left alive) will be boasting for killing seven people and no one was even able to stop her? I do think even then the motive would not be clear and everyone will try to find it, but I think more that the last one standing will not be the Mystery Man. Today, I got a new idea. Based on it, I bet that the next victim is Fern. Then, the police will catch the Mystic and put her in jail, where she will be found dead and all will lead to committing a suicide.
    If this happens, then half of the mystery is solved. Currently, I am unable to tell who exactly the Mystery Man is, but very soon I hope I will have a firm theory. I wish the conclusion of the story is as original as Agatha Christie's. :)
  • MariaMaria Pichincha, Ecuador
    We will have to see what the final murders look like, just to rule out a "dumb witness" kind of murder...
  • MariaMaria Pichincha, Ecuador
    By the way, does anyone have a clue on the link? All I could think of lead me nowhere...
  • LL88LL88 Sofiya, Bulgaria
    Maria said:
    By the way, does anyone have a clue on the link? All I could think of lead me nowhere...

    It might not be there yet. I think sometimes they put it there with the first vision, sometimes - earlier. I might be wrong though, but do try after the first vision the same places you have now in mind. ;)
  • MariaMaria Pichincha, Ecuador
    will do!
  • LL88LL88 Sofiya, Bulgaria

    Due to the fact that I just finished a story of mine and now I am in a period of producing new ideas and plots, let me try to bet once again on what's next. :P

    I bet that next victim might be connected to tampering - maybe tampering of evidence or something else... :) And I am not just saying it like nothing, it might connect one or two other people. ;)

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