Now that the first 3 visions were revealed, I think now we came to a place where, I think, we must ask ourselves 3 questions:
1. Did the police find the corpse? If so, where did they find it?
2. If the police didn't find it, is the architect really dead?
3. Does his dead point out to the next victim?
I think there might be a connection with another one of Christie's novels. Does the blond woman on the white wedding dress reminds you of another character? I think it does, at least if you add some greed and jealousy to the plot...
He might also be not dead and posted the ad on eBay just to make someone buy the "dead body" and get the money for it - maybe he needs that money for something. This could be also the case if someone else killed him and put the body for sale - they could need the money for a particular reason.
Anyway, mentioning greed and jealousy made me think of the 7 deadly sins.
My idea was the same. But I'd rather think that six of them did something in the past which affected the seventh, who wants a revenge now. And the eigth is the Mystic Margot herself, who saw the connection (either by knowing something real, or by using her powers - if we assume they are true and indeed take place in the story as something normal).
But these are my first assumptions. To keep them, I shall get more proofs. But for now my theory has only one possible direction. Having also in mind the two links we have as of now, they fit my theory in a way, but the bond is pretty unstable. I shall say more if the third murder has something in common with what I have in mind.
p.s. I think the reporters will blame the last one standing, until he/she dies as well. Then, they will be puzzled by the end of the story. And we have to reveal what really happened. That's what I expect.
douglas.beatty.10 supposed in another thread that Noakes can be rearranged to "ask one". Then, I started working on this idea of the anagrams, but nothing useful as of now.
I wish the same, but what if she is the Mystery Man? My theory about her motive is only one as of now - something happened to each of her husbands/lovers/whatever they were and the other characters were the resposinble ones for their sufferings. That is why now she seeks revenge. I can see no other motive as of now. Maybe if we understand what she does/works, this would help a bit.
Thinking more on their personalities, I think the strongest characters are Roberta and Ted. So, they should be the last two remaining. So, IMO, the next 3 victims should be the hotelier, the nurse and the Mystic herself (I hope she is the sixth, though).
It could be so. We will see though.
However, I think that if next is the hotelier, then Roberta should be the Mystery Man. If he is not next, then he should be.
Nevertheless, with the next murder and secret link I will know if my theory is right for who is the Mystery Man.
And I just had a deja vu, when reading this comment. Too bad my clairvoyance powers do not work for the game. I usually can guess things if I set my mind properly, but for the game I think too much and do not set it correctly.
Now, seriously - I admire those who guess the next victim correctly. So far none of my guesses were right. I hope those who manage to guess have an overall idea about the Mystery Man and their motive.