I do hope we don't get a name, it'll be too simple. But I also want to know how the last 2 will die... I mean, IF either of the last 2 murders can be committed without the presence of the murderer, maybe he/she already arrenged everything before his/her death; if not, it should be last man standing (which I don't think will happen)
As for the motive, that's actually the hard part, because some of them you can tie up, but not all (at least up until now)...
I do hope we don't get a name, it'll be too simple. But I also want to know how the last 2 will die... I mean, IF either of the last 2 murders can be committed without the presence of the murderer, maybe he/she already arrenged everything before his/her death; if not, it should be last man standing (which I don't think will happen)
As for the motive, that's actually the hard part, because some of them you can tie up, but not all (at least up until now)...
I think that Margot should not be the Mystery Man. First, too simple, second - if the next missing letter is not hers, then we end up with two possibilities for the ending, so the eight link will tell us all (and they said all eight links will be necessary!); otherwise, we just need the 7th link only and the last one would not be useful. You may ask what is the second option in case Margto is not the murderer - well, let's see whether it happens this way and then some of you will definately find out, as they already did.
It seems people have forgotten that this Mystery Man Game is "a month-long" event. So, it seems unlikely that it will end very abruptly as there are still 11 days left! Happy hunting...
i'm glad, we will know soon, and i hope that we won't be disappointed, but i'm sorry that our little quest will have to soon come to an end
I agree. When I first heard this game would be a month long I thought great, it will really have some substance and it will be a great way to interact with other members of the board. While I feel the game has accomplished both of those things, I agree it has gone by super fast. Oh well, only 11 months until the next one
It seems people have forgotten that this Mystery Man Game is "a month-long" event. So, it seems unlikely that it will end very abruptly as there are still 11 days left! Happy hunting...
I guess we will have two days for the ladies' comments on the events, they should be pointing at each other (or not - then it will certainly mean something ), then we will have 4 days for their death and maybe one or two more days for something else... It might be not exactly 30 or 31 days... It could be 28 days, 4 weeks long, and we are about to enter the 4th week.
I have a theory that might link all deaths, and following this, I assume Margot will be the murderer, and the reason is revenge (I have to work on it, though :-? ... I don't think we'll have a finale like "And then there were none", that would be too simple...by the way I also think that we should take into account the meanings of the words in the links...apart from the missing letters...
If we check the Facebook page, we see we have a new suspect! Jessica (J.S.), a reporter for the Chipping Cleghorn Gazette! For that matter, we also have reporter N.K. as well. We know the perpetrator is a character in the game. Suspect everybody!
If we take into account the letter game, neither N or K, nor J or S have appeared if it is spelling a name. If we do the same for Margot Greer, we get MAGG. This could perhaps be gambling???) For Fern Porter we get FNP. I don't know what this might be. If we look at Fern Porter's name we also get another word that has continuously popped up… "REPORTER"! I wouldn't be surprised if Margot dies next, and the letter is P. People will automatically assume that It is Fern Porter, but it would actually spell out reporter. Mystery Man… I see you.
I have thought all along the reporter is involved in some way......what do you think?
I have not, until the fifth murder. The missing letters made me think this. And cphh1007 has said my newest idea in the post above. That is why I do not assume anymore that Margot is the Mystery Man. :P And think a bit - the reporters said "Margot claims that the murderer could be one of the 8"... They lead us to this theory.
OK, maybe it means nothing, and we still have two more deaths to come, but... Speaking of reporters, has anyone else noticed that only the news for Roberta's death were presented by J.S. in the paper? The rest were by N.K.? This caught my attention, not sure if it is significant... Just saying...
OK, maybe it means nothing, and we still have two more deaths to come, but... Speaking of reporters, has anyone else noticed that only the news for Roberta's death were presented by J.S. in the paper? The rest were by N.K.? This caught my attention, not sure if it is significant... Just saying...
Yes, I did notice that but I have no idea what it could mean. I mean the Facebook comment brings up that J.S. did international news so perhaps she was died internationally (which doesn't really make sense)? NK could also have made up Jessica as it is NK who reports on how thankful everyone is for her international news correspondency. This has become a very complicated, interesting case. Can't wait for the next murder!
OK, maybe it means nothing, and we still have two more deaths to come, but... Speaking of reporters, has anyone else noticed that only the news for Roberta's death were presented by J.S. in the paper? The rest were by N.K.? This caught my attention, not sure if it is significant... Just saying...
as I am a copywriter, i was furious with those spelling mistakes in the magazine! so I don't only suspect the reporter, but he or she is already a murderer in my eyes - a killer of the language and that post about the journalist.. i hope the creators will not make solving the case too easy. let's hope they will play with us a little bit, instead of force feeding the solution
I am not a native speaker, but I am pretty sure, it's not
'grizzly end',
because Henry was not killed by a bear. the dicktionary suggests rather
'grisly end' - meaning a horrific end.
so, I think we should add an 'S' to the list.
OK, maybe it means nothing, and we still have two more deaths to come, but... Speaking of reporters, has anyone else noticed that only the news for Roberta's death were presented by J.S. in the paper? The rest were by N.K.? This caught my attention, not sure if it is significant... Just saying...
That's what I've been thinking all along: sounds to me like uNKnown in "And there were none", or Not Known...
I'm not sure if it has any relevance at all, but has anyone noticed that none of the dates actually corresponds to the day they are supposed to? For instance, the dead of Henry happened, according to the newspaper, on Friday the 13th Novembrer 2013; but the 13th will be a wednesday... Maybe the only reason for this change is to get the first dead on a Friday 13th. Or maybe it is just a meaningless mistake.
However, if we assume the dates and days are placed only to match events with certain weekdays, then I have another question. Have you noticed how no crime has been committed on Sunday 15th? Well, it is the day of the Lord, right? maybe our killer is rather spiritual?
I'm not sure if it has any relevance at all, but has anyone noticed that none of the dates actually corresponds to the day they are supposed to? For instance, the dead of Henry happened, according to the newspaper, on Friday the 13th Novembrer 2013; but the 13th will be a wednesday... Maybe the only reason for this change is to get the first dead on a Friday 13th. Or maybe it is just a meaningless mistake.
However, if we assume the dates and days are placed only to match events with certain weekdays, then I have another question. Have you noticed how no crime has been committed on Sunday 15th? Well, it is the day of the Lord, right? maybe our killer is rather spiritual?
I do not think in the storyline it is an error (the fact the dates are not the same as in reality). But the fact that nobody died on Sunday might mean something. In a parallel universe, the last hidden link will give us 6 missing letters and my theory about Stephen would be correct. But here, on our Earth, currently I have no idea what could be the motive of the murderer. I have theories, but none seems to fit firmly what is happening. I hope Fern's past crime will enlighten me more.
I think that Margot should not be the Mystery Man. First, too simple, second - if the next missing letter is not hers, then we end up with two possibilities for the ending, so the eight link will tell us all (and they said all eight links will be necessary!); otherwise, we just need the 7th link only and the last one would not be useful.
You may ask what is the second option in case Margto is not the murderer - well, let's see whether it happens this way and then some of you will definately find out, as they already did.
I agree. When I first heard this game would be a month long I thought great, it will really have some substance and it will be a great way to interact with other members of the board. While I feel the game has accomplished both of those things, I agree it has gone by super fast. Oh well, only 11 months until the next one
I guess we will have two days for the ladies' comments on the events, they should be pointing at each other (or not - then it will certainly mean something
I have not, until the fifth murder. The missing letters made me think this. And cphh1007 has said my newest idea in the post above.
And think a bit - the reporters said "Margot claims that the murderer could be one of the 8"... They lead us to this theory.
Speaking of reporters, has anyone else noticed that only the news for Roberta's death were presented by J.S. in the paper? The rest were by N.K.? This caught my attention, not sure if it is significant... Just saying...
I do not think in the storyline it is an error (the fact the dates are not the same as in reality). But the fact that nobody died on Sunday might mean something.
In a parallel universe, the last hidden link will give us 6 missing letters and my theory about Stephen would be correct.