Who is the Mystery Man?

I hope it is proper for such a separate topic.
We are on about the half of the story. Here you can discuss who you think the Mystery Man is and what is their motive.
Do tell what you make from all deaths as of now, how you interpret the visions, the interviews with each character and what you think has happened in the past or behind the scenes to make the Mystery Man want all these deaths.
To start, as of now I think I found what I was looking for. Fern said in her last comment the following: "What's my past crime you ask? I honestly don't know, maybe I do deserve this, maybe it's all my fault." That makes me think that nevertheless when she dies, she might be the real victim the murderer wants, and the rest are just to hide the real motive for killing her, which would expose the murderer (just like in one Christie's novel).
Other than this, I think another motive could be justice or revenge. For the former - I do not see who is suitable of taking the role of a judge; it should be someone who knows about their past crimes and that they got away with them ones. For the latter - what connects all of the rest to one of them, who is the Mystery Man - I have not found as of now.
Please, tell your theories.
We are on about the half of the story. Here you can discuss who you think the Mystery Man is and what is their motive.
Do tell what you make from all deaths as of now, how you interpret the visions, the interviews with each character and what you think has happened in the past or behind the scenes to make the Mystery Man want all these deaths.
To start, as of now I think I found what I was looking for. Fern said in her last comment the following: "What's my past crime you ask? I honestly don't know, maybe I do deserve this, maybe it's all my fault." That makes me think that nevertheless when she dies, she might be the real victim the murderer wants, and the rest are just to hide the real motive for killing her, which would expose the murderer (just like in one Christie's novel).
Other than this, I think another motive could be justice or revenge. For the former - I do not see who is suitable of taking the role of a judge; it should be someone who knows about their past crimes and that they got away with them ones. For the latter - what connects all of the rest to one of them, who is the Mystery Man - I have not found as of now.
Please, tell your theories.
To add up to my theory for revenge on one person and six others as victims - if there is only one possible explanation for one of the eight people to be murdered, and this explanation would directly lead to only one person who wants it (the Mystery Man), then he or she (the Mystery Man) would make up a whole new motive - justice - and decide to kill six more people so that the original motive would be hidden and the new would not lead to him/her (the Mystery Man).
But I agree with Maria that there could also be several cases entangled in one.
What I also agree with is Maria's interpretation of Margot's words. To be honest, Margot is on top of my list. Then it is the hotelier, then the architect, then Guto and just then it is Fern. From the rest, I completely delete only Ted. I hope he is not indeed the Mystery Man, or I will be very miserable.
I thought the letters could come up to "hotelier", but with the newest hidden link, this can no longer be the case. Now, if it is the name of a character, only one could have his/her full first/last name arranged. The next letter would tell if this is still the case.
My theory about Guto was that all 6 or 7 (with Margot) of them had confessed to him their past crimes when he was in the monastery. That is why I was curious where this monastery was - in his home country, or near the St Mary Mead. And the hand could be Henry's - if his body was not found, then the murderer could use it for different purposes, even for making the others believe that they found a particular person. That is why I also think (based on another theory of mine where the hotelier is the Mystery Man) that we can also have an arson and a male body be found - thus, all will think that it is the hotelier's, but it could also be Henry's body. So, I am more to believe that Henry's body would be used for something else and I see Guto or the hotelier having the opportunity to use it.
I think Klaurose means the same as me - Patrick was known to have made a fraud, so what if he disguised someone else to look like him and being dead? I am not sure what are the methods of the police to identify the deadman, but this is still something to think on.
Good theories everyone. I have a few ideas of my own however I have no idea if I am on the right track or not.
'And in further developments, police have confirmed that they now have bodies for all five victims, quashing any speculation that Henry Birtwistle or Guto Fernandez were in fact the Mystery Man. Henry was posted to them in numerous jiffy bags while Guto was eventually chipped out of his concrete tomb in one piece.'
we have our answers now.
one other note: if Margot is not an accomplice or the murderer, why would the murderer leave her alive, helping the world to find him? because he wants these hints out - again to take suspicion away from the real motive probably. still, I don't believe in superpowers. Margot has to be involved.
But I am more to think that Margot was somehow aware of what could be happening, but does not know who is really responsible. That is why she uses her status of a Mystic to deliver what she believes could help identify the Mystery Man. And she has not said something really compromising, thus still alive. If this is not true, then I agree that she is the murderer or an accomplice.
But, guys, the most obvious from the beginning was Margot. Do you think she is really the Mystery Man? Nevertheless whether the motive is hard to find or not - I hope she is not the murderer. But for now, she is still on the top of my list...
And I do not believe that it would be so simple... I will believe once I see all the letters and what they form.