My Own Quin?

in Harley Quin
I am thinking of writing my own Quin story, just to try and see how tough it is to be Christie! Should I go ahead?
I am going to include Mr Satterthwaite. I agree with the fact that she made it look effortless! It's so hard.
I imagine it along the road. I based it on my home town as there is a real Harlequin Apartments there! I always forget to describe.
I can picture Mr Satterthwaite having a holiday cottage in the area you live. He likes art, so it's a good place for him to be. I'd be interested in reading more of your story. If you want any advice, I'll try to help you, but I'm only an amateur writer.
If you want to know how odd I am, if I was in that area I would actually go and have a look at Harlequin apartments! It's a great name.
It's 'The Harlequin Apartments' under stories. Sorry for the weird thing at the end, haven't a clue what it is.:-/ :-?
Okay, I will try and post in bigger parts. And you might see a clue in this section, and the next!